Chapter 4.

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“ Wait a minute, you can be a little nicer with her. She is my sister, you know. “ - Jade glairing at Wade, and Frank. They were really good friends, of ours. Well they was our cousins. But still when it came to Lorena. Every precaution had to be made.

“ yea, yea, yea, I know already. Will you two get out of the way. “ Wade said trying to shove thru them, to get to Kaya’s home.

Kaya and Jade stepped back but not much. They followed every inch. As soon as she was laid down, on the mate. Jade started up the fire, so it would be nice a toasty in here. For when she finally woke up.

“ dear gods, Kaya, why has she been out for so long?? “ - Jade said worried.

“ Calm yourself sista. Our Lorena will be fine. It was her first time ever forming into the Lycan form. So it took a lot out of her. Most on their first time, are asleep for weeks at a time. “  - kaya said while getting some clean clothes out and ready for her.

“ Eeeeeeeeeeeeppppppppppp……… son of a hogs breath.. “  - jade quickly turned around. Seeing that Lorena was starting to wake up. Whispers, “  Sorry, something touched my butt. I didn’t know what it was. “

- trying to hold her mouth closed, from laughing.

“ Jade,…. Girl your gonna drive me crazy. You know that right?? “ - laughing to herself.

“ Big sis, your already crazy. Where do you think I get it from hhmmmm??….. I learn from the best. Hehehehehe. “

Kaya’s mouth dropped, laughing. “ You little… I’m gonna get you for that. “ - Waving her finger, like she was trying to say hi, to Jade. With a little evil smirk on her face.

Out the corner, of your eye. You could see some grayish white, furry and well… wiggling behind Jade.

“ What? What’s so funny? “ - a bit annoyed.

All Kaya did was point behind Jade. When Jade looked, she seen that she now had a tail. A dang dog tail.

“ KAYAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!…........ “

“ I think it’s cute. “ - Kaya couldn’t help it, but laugh. She held out her hand, lightly blowing on it. With in a second it was gone. “ Be nice from now on dear sista. Or the next time you will the ears to go with it. “

Jade sat there, arms crossed. Looked at Kaya stuck her tongue out. “ Fine. “

(( Later on in the early evening. ))

Moving with in the warm covers. Man it felt so good under here. I didn’t want to get out of them. I stopped moving… Everything came back to me. Avalon being my step father, kaya & jade being my sisters, oh lets not for get the lycan part….I sat straight up.

“ Where am I? “

The place I was in. Was covered by animal skin. But yet very warm. Painting of all shapes, sizes lined the walls. I only seen 2 cots. Not counting the one I was on. Told me that it was either 2 girls, or 2 guys living in here.

My stomach made a funny sound. Making me realize, how much I need food right about now. Someone must have been here recently. Because there was a small grill, that had ( what looked to be ) steaks. Cooking on the burners. Man it smelled soooooo…. Good. I never smelled anything, so mouth watering, at the castle. Well I was never allowed near the kitchen either. I got up, to get a closer look. Licking my lips, my throat even was dry. “ maybe they won’t miss just one small piece… as my fingers was almost there. I looked up towards, what I was guessing was the door. I could hear people talking.

“ yea she in there. But don’t bother her, till she has her energy back. But then again… “ - the last part was said as Jade walked in. seeing me trying to sneak a piece of meat.

“ Ooouchhh… dang it.. “ - shacking my finger. I accidently burned my finger. Not paying attention.

“ Lorena, you must be careful dear. “ - Jade said coming to sit beside her.

Kaya was just a few minutes behind jade. Coming in with loads of stuff in her arms. She goes to the clearest spot, in the home and drops everything. Puffs out some air, turns and see Lorena up. “ Ayee.. Dear sista. You have awoken, to join us for lunch. How do you feel? “

“ Like a pig, that rolled around in the mud 10 times. “ - Jade handed me my own plate. So that I could go ahead and eat. “ Thank you, are you two. Going to eat ? “

Jade smiled warmly, “ Lorena, we are vampires. We don’t eat regular food. Let alone any food, for that matter. Our food is blood. “

Almost coughed up my food. Talking with some food in my mouth. “ what do you mean blood? … “

Kaya brought a few books, over to where we was sitting.

“ Sister, we was born this way. We was not, what some called, made. Us 2, including you. Are a rare breed. Because not just me and jade. You was also born a lycan. “

- sitting back eating the meat off my plate. Listing to all Kaya was saying. -

“ I know you have been thru so much. In such a short time. We knew this day was coming. I’m just glad we was able. To be there, to help you. “ - picking up one of the larger books. It had a ribbon on it. I believe was to hold her spot.

Scooting over closer, so I could see. What was in them. While Jade got on the other side. I put my plate down, for now. I was sated.

“ See here Lori ? This is a picture of me and Jade. Read the year it says, this was takin. “ - pointing out the portrait.

“ Jade and Kaya Montrose, dated March 27th, 1124 A.D. “ - my eyes widen, looking back and forth between. The picture and back to them both. “ There’s know way… “

Jade was giggling - “ Yes way, sista. That portrait was only took. I believe… Correct me if I’m wrong Kaya. About 5 miles from here. “

“ Yes that’s right Jade. Here’s another one. But you tale us. Who it is in the portrait, and what time was it taken ? ? “

“ Ok… “ - the portrait on the other side of the page. Showed a family, all standing apart from each other. “ Let’s see… this one is you Kaya and that one is you Jade. I don’t know who the tall guy is. He looks very young. And… that one… is ME!?!?! “

“ That’s right. This is the first time you have seen, any proof of your real father. The tall guy, is dad. Lord Christos Montrose. “ - smiled with pride.

Whispers more to my self, “ daddy…. “

Both Kaya and Jade, smile knowing what Lorena. May have said, with in her mind.

“ Lorena, this village that we are in. Is where we train, to fight. But we won’t be here for long. Because there is a surprise waiting on you, at home. “

“ Yep and I know who… ooppss.. I mean what it is. “ - Jade doing her old time version. Of a giddy dance.

“ Gods help me. I don’t know if I can take any more surprises, right now…. I just want peace. That all I ever wanted. “ - still looking at him. The one known as my father. So many things, come to my mind. That I want to ask. Want to know… I don’t know where to start….

“ All will be dealt with, soon. If you want we can stay here, for one more day. Then we can leave, heading for home. “ Kaya spoke.

“ I love this place that I’m in. I would like to come back, and maybe visit. But honestly…. If the surprise is my real father. Wanting to talk and see me. Then.. I have waited far to long. I’m ready when ever you to are. “ - leaning my head on Kaya’s shoulder. Feeling that their heart is in the right place.

“ I know sis. You will soon anuff. “ - Kaya said wrapping an arm around my shoulder given my a small hug. Jade, didn’t want to feel left out. So she got in the middle. Saying, “ group hug.. Hehehehehe. “ when she said that, we all busted out laughing..... 

Lorena spent the rest of the mid-day, looking thru the rest of the books. All the picture, stories of the family. Seeing a picture of my mother with my father. She was so happy then... Feeling close, but yet so far away...

(( let me know what ya'll think. who would you want to know more about ?? Lorena, Kaya, Jade, Avalon, or this Christos guy ? who is ya'll favorite so far ?? ))

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