chapter 6

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  • Dedicated to Cat Heckathorn

As we rode, I kept thinking back. To what I went thru with Avalon. I had to of been young when I was taken there. Cause I don’t remember anything else. As much as I tried. I couldn’t put a picture with this Christos…

“ Lorena, are you alright ? “ - jade said looking back at me.

“ yea, I’m alright I guess. Nervous in a way. “ - smoothly talking, thru almost closed lips.

“ It’s not much longer now. Just over this bridge. Then we’re home. “ Kaya said pointing in front of her.

My eyes grew large, when I seen the bridge. “ Are ya’ll crazy ? How can we get across that ? We would have to go one at a time… It’s to small, let alone it’s about to fall apart. What about the fog ? “

“ Just watch us. You can do it. “ - Jade spoke, as she got off her horse.

It took a little while, even though now I couldn’t see them. But they both got across the bridge. I asked them to take my horse, as well. Cause I wanted to do it alone. I figured, having the horse would make me more scared. As I stood there, holding onto one of the poles. That held the rope, for the bridge. Dang… it just had to be a swinging bridge.. Uuuggghhh….

“ You can do it, Lore. Just breath… “ - Jade said trying to not sound worried in her voice.

Great.. Why did it have to start now ? Of all times…

“ DAMNET TO HELL!!!! ….. KAYAAAAA…. JADEEEEEE!!!!! “ I screamed. The massive amounts of pain that struck me, from the inside was unbearable.

“ Lorena, what’s wrong ?? Talk to us. “ - Kaya yelled worried as hell.

“ I DON’T KNOW… I’M HURTING SO MUCH… SOMETHINGS…. WANTING ….. TO…. COME…. OUTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!! “ - as I fell to the ground, in complete darkness.

“ OMG….. LORENAAAAAAA!!!! “ - Jade screamed, not knowing what to do.

Something across that bridge, let out the largest growl. They have ever heard. It shook the very ground, they stood on.

“ Jade run. Get behind the boulders. “ - kaya said. Bracing her self. Ready for what ever, was to come towards them. You could hear something hard and very heavy, running across the bridge, in Kaya’s direction. Because the boards of the bridge, was making cracking sounds. For a split second, it went quiet…..

Kaya was straight towards the bridge. There was a large black shadow, coming towards her. As if stalking her…

“ No it can’t be… The eyes… Lorena.. “ - Kaya whispered.

I could hear a rumbling. Was this coming from me ? From with in the blackness. I seen Kaya, but not as my sister. I seen her as a meal. Walking fully out of the fog. I could now see the over whelming fear, that was now placed. In the eyes of my sisters… Blood… Blood is all I could think of. But why? Man I wanted some blood so bad, it was killing me. From the inside out.

Shacking my head, trying to think straight. I knew I was a lycan. But there was something different.. As I looked at Kaya, I could see thru her eyes. What I truly was…

One of the biggest lycans of my kind, and of the Montrose clan. Standing 12 feet tall on my back haunches, had to of been over 500 kilos big. I was freaking huge. My tongue slowly came forth, thru what I now realized. Was not one, but 2 sets of fangs. Four inch long a piece. Letting out a small growl of curiosity. I wanted to ball up my fist. But as I looked down, I seen that my hands was now replace with… well.. Paws.. What the hell…. ??? When I snapped my paws out. Immediately my 8 inch claws came out.

“ Lorena, please listen to me. You have to control this. Or it will make you go insane. For the love of the gods. Control it!!! “ - Kaya said slowly backing up.

Jade ran over to Kaya’s side. She couldn’t take it anymore. Watching what was going on, and not do something about it. But she was more afraid than anything. Quickly whispering to Kaya, “ What happened to her eyes? “

“ I don’t know, Jade. But those are the ones of the blood clan. Of it’s leader. “

“ No not my sister. Lorena, listen to us. We love you. You have to trust us. Calm down, and control it. “ - Jade screamed pleading with me.

It was like a battle between me and this lycan. That I now am. I had to do something. Raising my head up towards, the darkened night sky. Smiling to myself, as I seen the very moon. On this night was fuller than I have ever seen it. Opening my mouth, letting a massively loud but ancient howl to all. As I looked back at them. I could see there fear. * a twig snapped * Quickly looking in the direction of the sound. I seen him…

In a matter of mer seconds. He was there. The one I could recall before. But now I knew, oh so well.

“ Calm yourself, so that I may give you a better greeting. You are home now. “ - the much older man spoke, as he walked towards me.

Kaya and Jade walked over towards this guy. Standing behind him. Wishing they both could help.

Tilting my head, slightly to the left. As if drawn into a daze. His simple words seemed to calm me. Putting me at ease.

The man placed his right hand, on the side of my face.

“ Lorena, my name is Christos Montrose. Come back to us, dear. Let not this lycan form control you. You control it. I want my daughter back, with me. I love you, my daughter. “ - the last statement I could see that he meant it. The eyes of his, may old a lot of pain and misery. But they could never hold the proof. That he had been crying.

My body was trembling uncontrollably. Bones popped back in its places. Fur replaced by smooth as silk ( crème in color ) skin. Thankfully if it wasn’t for my long waist length black hair, covering me. Everyone would have seen everything.

Christos took off the royal cloak he was wearing. Laying it over me, as he picked me up.

“ Father will she be alright? “ - Kaya asked.

“ Yes daughter, she will be. In do time, all things will come to bloom. Make sure Jade is alright, and bring her with you. Let’s go. “

* he looks down, at Lorena. Warmth covers his once cold heart. *

Whispering, “ Thank the gods, they have brought you back to us.. * kissed her cheek, holding her tight * back to me.. I love you Lorena, my daughter. I will not loose you again, ever. I will die first. “

He nods his head towards Kaya and Jade. Then they all walked up the short path way to the gates.

With the biggest warm smile he could have. “ I’ve always wanted to say this. To maybe feel young again. “ - chuckling

“ What’s that father ? “ - Jade said curiously.

All Kaya could do was shack her head. She already knew.


All of them were laughing as the gates opened, and reclosed after they went thru.

It has been years since Lorena was home. Her real home. But only now her journey really begins. With many discoveries already made. There are more to come. How will she survive it all ?? No one ever knows, what the future holds. For any of us. There will always be danger.

For she is a Montrose.

By birth, and… By the blood…


so what does everyone think so far? i know it's not much. but its my first.

Blood with in her Red Eyes!!!  (( Part 1: Completed!!! ))Where stories live. Discover now