Chapter one.

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“ NO!!! NO!!! NO!!! “ I screamed, being woke up my one of many horrible nightmares. That I have. Grabbing my throat. Still in some ways, can feel that things teeth in my flesh… throwing back the blankets, getting out of bed. Going straight to the cheval mirror. Turning left, then right. Lifting my night gown. Making sure nothing really happened to my legs. Let alone that there was know bite marks, on my right leg…

There was nothing, as always. But the hidden fear, from the dream it self was still there.

The door burst open. As my mother came in.

“ dear, oh my sweet one. Are you alright? I heard the screams. “  - worry written all over her face.

“ yes mother, I’m fine. It was just one of those dreams again… “ - wishing she hadn’t heard me. Then she wouldn’t be here now. Thinking she could fix me.

“ I’m so sorry, my dear. That your having to go thru these dreams. But we must push on. We are Thompson’s, and we can get thru anything. “ - smiling her almost to familiar fake smile.

“ Of coarse, mother. As you say. Mother… can we have a talk later? I would like to know about father. “ - wondering if she would ever tale me the truth.

“ Uummm… yes dear.. Yes we can… uummm.. Let me see.. Alright dear.. “ - she said this has she was trying to get out the door quickly. She always did that. When ever I mentioned anything about my father. I believe that my dear mother. As sweet as she is. Holds a secret, that only her and the gods know about. Hopefully soon I will find this out. A gentle knock upon my door, wakes me out of my thoughts.

“ hello mistress, are you ready for us to come in now? “

- I had 2 maids, the were around my age. I could tale they were not from this kingdom. Their skin was a little darker. Their hair both was long and black. Always put into a nice braid. They were my good friends. Well the only ones I really had. That knew the real me. Not what I had to show in front of anyone.

“ yes I’m ready. You two can come in. “ - smiling warmly at them both, as they entered. I knew them since I was was born. So by now, they was use to speaking openly around me.

“ Ms. Lorena, are you sure you want to go thru with this? I mean he can be so cruel, with you… “ - Jade said, as she glanced at the door. Holding her left hand, over her heart. I knew she was thinking of using that knife I gave her. But when she looked back at me. I could tale she changed her mined. 

“ I know, Jade , but this is what I have gotten use to. I have been studying and trying to become stronger. “

“ But we don’t want you hurt again. You was sleeping for 2 weeks, last time. “ -  Kaya was the oldest, out of us three. She was very protective. Even if her station, didn’t allow her to be. She had her ways though.

I know they was concerned for me. Which it was normal. I would be worried for them to. There’s a lot of secrets inside the walls of the Thompson household. And one of those secrets…


As Kaya & Jade, helped me get dressed. In my attire of a dark forest green hour glass shaped dress. It fit just right. After combing out my long waist length hair. I just let it lay loose upon my back. I knew this would get him angry. But oh well… I can be a rebel when I wanted to.

“ Lorena, we love you like you was our sister. We just want you safe. “ - there’s that protectiveness from Kaya.

“ I know this and love I have for you both is endless. But I must go, now. Before he comes up here, again. I don’t want him starting with you to. Go out, thru the hidden door. Know one will know the difference. “

I quickly give them both a hug. Wishing they could stay longer. But they were soon, gone from sight. Taking one last glance, at myself. Holding my head high, and taking a deep breath.

“ another day, another hour. One day the truth will be known. Till then I wait… I endure, it all. When the time comes… nothing will hold me back. Not even you Lord Avalon. “

With that last sentence. I walk to my door, twisting the door knob. Slightly opening it. Before it gets slammed back on me. Forcing me to fall back and hard on to the floor. Thankfully catching myself. Before I hit the edge of my glass table. Looking up, to see the worst human I have ever known…..


Blood with in her Red Eyes!!!  (( Part 1: Completed!!! ))Where stories live. Discover now