Arthur Kingsley

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His parents named him after the Legandary Medeival King; King Arthur

• He also had a pet dog, named after the sword Excalibur to fit with his name too, ironic

• King Arthur was a legendary British leader who, according to medieval histories and romances, led the defence of Britain against Saxon invaders in the late 5th and early 6th centuries

• His parents loved the name, and it was the only name they agreed, and so he was named Arthur

• Arthur is prideful of his nobility status, but he never shoved it into other people's faces

• He had always been considerate, understanding of other peoples upbringings... Not everyrone gets everything served upon a platter

• Despite having high education, and being forced to go to University. He used his talents, of international languages in the army

• Arthur is fluent in; English, French, German and Russian

• Which was always good in the missions, to retrieve the Intel he needed despite it's few obstacles along the way

• And good to curse at others in many different languages, leaving others clueless

• If Arthur had the chance, he would definitely go back to his home country, Cameroon, and explore the wonders of it.

• Upon many occasions he still has nightmares when he got deployed to France (Operation Tongo)

• The nightmare normally occurs him from falling out of the plane, submerging into water and almost drowning

• He would always wake up sweating because of it, and struggled always to to back to sleep

• After the war he defnitely went to the pictures (As they called it) To watch all of the movies he missed over the years

• With all the money he had, most of it was spent going to the Pictures, just to feel normal again

• He also told his parents stories of what he faced, and eat endured but the friends he made along the way... His Task Force

• His parents was proud of his bravery, and was proud of him; And was glad to see him come home, safe and sound

• He loves sweet food; Strawberry Cake is his favourite, and would have it any day

• Especially when his mum baked it, the smell of it was always so overwhelming with sweetness

• If there was one thing for sure, Arthur was happy to be at home and to taste his mum's cake again

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