Lieutenant John Price (1996)

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John Price joined the Army in 1996, at 16 years old. Wanting to be like his father, he went through great legnths to do so.

• Even if his father never talked about his work, he always got the inspiration he wanted from his own dad; To be like him.

• He became the youngest graduate, at the Royal Military Academy as a Comissoned officer. Due to his great service, and also completed service special commando selection.

• In which be quickly became a badged moment of the SAS, and became well respected.

• He was the best of the best, at his young age as they say.

• His studied at the Military Academy last week about 44 week, which broke down to 14 week-terms.

• Between those terms there are adventurous training exercises and 2-3 weeks of leave. Term One focuses on basic military skills, fitness and decision making.

• In his early years, Price loved to study past soliders who equally made their service. One paroticalry caught his eye, was no other than Elvira Wolff.

He was so interested in her, even in the huge amounts of work she had down in the space of two whole years when she was in the CIA.

• They dubbed her as "The Cold War Hero." Thanks to her great sacrifice in Solovetsky.

• Everyone respected her because of that, and that was the main turning point of The Cold War, she stopped all the Nukes from detonating.

• And how it eas a major turn in the Cold War  itself, he learnt it all. Pratically it was almost as if she inspired him too.

• In one of his services days he became aware that Elvira Wolff had been in a Cyogenic chamber for over 15 years now.

• Thanks to one of the Intel he found out in, though he always kept it to himself about that piece of Intel he found.

• During his service he got received a disciplinary warning, as punishment? He would oversee Elvira Wolff and become her careraker.

• Originally it was General Shephered, but as he took the Title as General. He had been away quite a lot, as much as the General hated it.

• But that one little "punishment" Became a duty of a lifetime, in taking care of Elvira Wolff.

• He talked to her as much as he could, It didn't matter if he was still tired at the end of the day from a big mission.

• He'd always be sure to say; Merry Christmas, Happy Easter and say Happy Birthday to her too.

• Long had he waited for the day for her to soon wake up, and that soon became a reality when she did wake up in 2011.

• It had been far too long, Price grew as a person around that time, but that crush still remained deep down.

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