Jason Hudson

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Hudson is the most miserable, grumpiest and serious out of the team. Pretty much it's hard to crack a smile from him as well.

• Sometimes he would laugh at a few jokes or two, before he would remain back to his serious self and would tell his colleagues to get back to work.

• Hell if you even made Hudson laugh, well good job on you- You made the serious CIA agent laugh, even if it was a little bit.

• Dad bod? Yeah dad bod for sure, dad body Hudson. He's still very fit regardless, and keeps his health in check as always.

• As much as he hates the office work, he always loves what the battlefield has to offer for him sometimes.

• He trusts Elvira Wolff, a lot the same way he does with Adler. And she's the only one who can tolerate him, and give him a taste of his own medicine too.

• He would just always say: "Ok Wolff, you proved your point." And Hudson would simply shrug it off and never mention it again.

• If anyone else would ever dare to speak to Hudson like a piece of shit, well they would be in deep trouble.

• Hudson is known for his nickname; Humpty Dumpty, of course it was given to no other than Woods.

• Does his wardrobe consit of endless suit and many other smart outfits?? Who knows, Hudson has some style though.

• With him and Elvira being the most intelligent people in the team, with their IQ's let's just say they challenge themselves a lot with many questions.

• Clearly a man of secrets he does what he can to protect his team. From good or evil, albeit anything to get the job done.

• When he's angry or pissed off, he would dig deep at you- Dig deep in a sense he would use your main weakness, whenever in arguments to prove his point in some way.

• Deep down Hudson may be serious, but there may be that soft part he just really cares about his teammates a lot.

• During Elvira's Interrogation of the MK-ULTRA, for once there was some part of him that actually felt bad. Of course he didn't want to admit it at all, neither to anyone else.

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