Vigilante's Holiday

Start from the beginning

"You girls okay?"

"T-Thanks for helping us a lot mister, it means a lot."

"Yes, although we could've had handled it by ourselves."

"Don't be rude Blaire-san, any effort must be reciprocated with gratitude."

"I could just take care of them with my abilities, no biggie."

"Even so-"

Kamijou turned around. "Don't mention it, I'm just happy to help out. Although I'd ask as to why you two were going around in such a dirty smelly alley like this."

"We were going to meet up with some of our friends in a, place we've been frequenting over the past month. We thought this was a great shortcut over there since we checked." the blonde woman said.

"You checked the map to see where the closest way over your destination was?"

"Yeah, pretty much," Blaire, which is apparently the blonde's name, said.

"Well you might want to double check it, otherwise you'll get stuck in this labyrinth. Better yet I'll help you guys out. I know this place around."

"Really? But we wouldn't to waste any time."

"Nonsense. Nothing can be called as wasted when it involves helping out a couple ladies such as yourselves," Kamijou added the last line to relieve the tension he assumed that the girls were currently feeling. That and to divert their attention from the large stain on his chest.

"Oh, well then perhaps we may need your assistance," the blonde woman spoke up. Kamijoi felt that this woman was more outspoken than her companion.

"Please take care of us," her pink-haired partner said.

They didn't know who this man was (and they clearly didn't like the foul smell from his clothing) but from what they can infer from this weird masked man he seemed like a nice guy. Genuinely wanting to help them out.
They both considered themselves good judges of character, so they obliged his wishes, at the same time keeping a slight but significant distance away from the man.

After a few minutes, and some trouble along the way (involving some thugs, a beer bottle and a single pill of aspirin) they managed to leave the labyrinth-esque alley and get to their destination.

"You sure you guys don't want someone to look after you?"

"We'll be fine Mr. Red, we'll take our leave from here," the pinkette said.

"Yeah. And again thanks for the help back there. Who knows what could happen back there." Blaire stated matter-of-factly.

Kamijou had a slight inkling of an idea why his Instinct set off at that certain moment.

'That would be a close call... for those guys,' Kamijou deadpanned internally.
"Well I better leave now, got some stuff to do. Have a nice day!" Kamijou then leapt into the air, fired a line and swung away.

'Rather uneventful, this was,' Kamijou thought. 'But honestly given the shit that had happened yesterday I need all the boring stuff I can take.'


After dropping his dirty jacket off his dorm Kamijou went to a certain park, where a broken vending machine awaited. Walking up to the machine, feeling its smug aura mocking him, he rose and slammed his palm into it. A loud crashing sound of metal shook the birds off their perch branches, and a short clang of something metallic was heard. Kamijou reached into the chute of the machine and took out a small canned drink.

"And once again, it's still not damned coffee. What rotten luck." Kamijou cursed.

"Not as rotten as your attitude, mister." He heard a squeaky voice behind him. He turned around to see, what was probably the most surreal thing he had ever seen.

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