'That's great. And the work itself? Is it what you expected?'

'Yes. The woman conducting the job interview was right in the way she described it. I'm glad I trusted her,' I say.

He laughs and slaps one hand on his desk.

'You're a good one. I like it. Any things you don't like?'

'No, I don't think so.'

'Be honest with me. I can take it.'

'Well, there's this one small thing.'

He raises one eyebrow, and leans his elbows on the desk. His hands come together under his chin.

'Go ahead.'

'I just think it's a little inconvenient the front doors open only fifteen minutes in advance.'

It's clear he didn't expect to hear that one.

'Explain, please.'

'I like to be on time. Just so I can organize my stuff at my desk, get a cup of coffee, and all that stuff.'

'Fifteen minutes isn't enough for those tasks?'

I shift in my chair, and put one leg over the other.

'It is, but there's more. I don't like leaving for home if I haven't finished what I was working on. If in the morning I know I won't have enough time that day, I can just come in earlier. That way I have more time for it.'

'I see. Thank you for sharing.'

'You're welcome.'

'Does it bother you very much?'

'No, no, no. Of course not. I'll get used to it.'

He gives me a smile.

'I like that attitude,' he says. 'After all, not everything can be in your control. Even I, as the boss, can't have everything my way. That's part of life. Unfortunately, we simply have to deal with things we don't want to every now and then.'

'Wisely said.'

There's a lot of smiling going on between the two of us. He's opening his mouth to say something when his phone rings.

'Oh,' he says.

'You can take it. Would you like me to step out of the room?'

'Actually, I don't have any questions for you anymore. So unless you want to tell me something...?'

Dots and Zeros [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now