“No problem,” he allowed her.

She circled the table and took the collar to examine it around his shoulders and neck area.

Li Lian sew parts of their wedding attires, but most of the work was taken care of by the ministry responsible for the palace fashion design. She would have loved to do it all, but the work was too intricate and called for professional dedication. When it came to the attire, tradition had to be followed, but she was not properly versed, plus the work required a lot of manpower.

Each jewel needed precision, each seam needed accuracy and each stitch needed meticulousness. In the end, her contribution was Yuwen Hong's collar and her belt. Just that little had taken sleepless nights to complete.

“I inserted more buttons so that it can be perfectly hooked onto the rest of the garb. I think it will fit properly this time. What do you think, is it now comfortable?”

He didn’t respond for a while, before giving a startled “Hmm?” because she kept staring at him for a response.

He shook his head to knock himself back to the present, before his brain suddenly caught on to what she had just said.

“Yes, yes, it is comfortable now.”

“That is great.” She removed the collar, “Is anything bothering you?”

He breathed out heavily and took a moment to form his words. “Not right now.” He wrapped his hands around her torso and brought her closer to him, “I choose not to be bothered when tomorrow will be a day to remember.”

He rested his head onto her stomach and they froze into the moment. She appreciatively caressed his tied hair as they enjoyed each other.

"Are you afraid?"

He hummed as he contemplated. "I could be, but I have learned not to be. As long as I do my best, it will work out."

She agreed. "Her Royal Highness will safely return. I trust you have the ability to ensure that."

He kissed her stomach and squeezed her a little. "I like to hear that, you being so confident about me, it is a sensual song for my ego."

She chuckled and sighed. “Thank you."

He was the best present life had ever given to her. She owed a thousand bows to the Heavens.

“For what?”

“For choosing me.” She bit her lip. “You could have chosen anyone else who was not me.”

He raised his head from her stomach to look up at her. A smile appeared on his lips for the first time since seeing him that night, this made her relax a little. He was all right.

“You too. You could have chosen another man.”

She shook her head, laughing lightly. “Never. No other man would have been as patient, as loving, and willing to go through the hardships you went through to have my walls break down.” Her hand went onto his shoulder and started kneading circles of dull massaging. “Only, Yu’er.”

His smile widened further to show his beautiful teeth. “Li Lian.”

He took her hands and their fingers wove together.

“Tomorrow, I promise to take you as my wife for life. I will love you through the good and bad, and I will be your love, without break or decay.

"When the hills are all flat, the rivers all dry, when thunder comes in winter, when snow comes in summer, when heaven and earth will mingle, not till then will I part from you.”

His thumb slowly skimmed over her palm to release her nerves. “I promise to listen to you, to anticipate your needs, to care for you and to protect you.”

She wiped a stray tear kissing her cheek. The previous time he confessed such feelings towards her, she had been rendered speechless, found with no words to say back to him. At that time she was a stranger to love, not knowing how to share her feelings. However, not anymore.

Yuwen Hong had kept his promise. He taught her how to love.

“Yuwen Hong. You remind me of a hedgehog. Hard on the outside and painful to touch when your guard is up. However, on the inside you are quite tender. When you begin to trust and drop your quills, you are the softest.”

He laughed quietly at her haphazard proclamation of love.

She was still not the best at this, so she giggled along before finishing. “Meet or part, live or die. I am making an oath with you that I will hold your hand and live with you till old.”


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