The Party

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Later that day one of my friends textet me:

Dylan: Heyy what's up?
Me: Aye not much, why?
Dylan: I heard about this party around midnight tonight, u down?
Me: Yeah sure! Can I bring a +?😏
Dylan: Sure! Who is he😏?? No I'm kidding bro, looking forward to meet her!😉
Me: See you there!😎

I was on my way to my room when I saw a group of girls, they were waiting for me infront of my door. They were all pretty much dressed as sluts. I stood just around the corner, so I could hear what they were saying. "I can't believe you are asking Sammy to the party tonight".
I walked through the group to open my door. Sierra (aka the girl that goes out in her underwear) comes up to me and puts her hand over my neck. I step back, she looks really annoyed and walks away. Slut.., I whisper.
I threw my backpack in the corner of my room. And went straight to Megan's door. I knocked and she opened. All she was wearing was a towel, it was wrapped tight around her slim body. "Wow.." I said. "Hello Sammy" she said laughing. "Come in". Her room was so messy, there were books and clothes everywhere. I sat down on her bed while she got dressed in the bathroom. She came out in her sweatpants and a hoodie. Even hotter than a just a towel. "Still hot?" she said laughing akwardly. "Oh yes" I anwered. She sat down on the opposite side of the bed.
"Well there is this party around midnight tonight, and I was wondering If you would want to come with me?" "Are you serious? Omg yes of course!"
For a second I thought she would say no. But I'm so reliefed that she said yes.
"Meet me outside your door at exactly 00:00, we do not want any trouble". "Okay Mr. Wilkinson" she said and winks.


I still can't believe Sammy asked me to come to the party with him. Does he like me? I had enough time to get ready so I texted my sister.
Me- Hii
Main Hoe💗- Hey something wrong?
Me- Well not really, but I'm a little nervous.
Main Hoe💗- Why is that??
Me- This boy asked me to go to a party with him and I kinda said yes. I like him and I do not want to screw things up right away.
Main Hoe💗- Aww little sissy got a little boyfriend??
Me- Ugh, you know forget it. I have to go.
Main Hoe💗- Kk have fun😉

She could be so annoying sometimes. I got into the shower and did my makeup. All my clothes were in the floor, so it was easy to find a dress. I wore my lbd and my black pumps. I couldn't really walk in them yet, but Sammy was so tall so I'm like a little dwarf next to him. I had to wear them. I was ready to go. 11:59. As soon als the time turned 00:00, I stepped out of my door. Sammy stood there, waiting for me. "Wow, Megan you look stunning"."Tha-thank you" I said blushing. We walked through the empty hallways. Then I heard a noise. No one else was in the hall. It had to be a teacher. I quickly took of my shoes and started running. I runned quite fast because I used to play soccer. Sammy couldn't keep up with me. I laughed and kept running, untill I came to the door. I stepped out and waited for Sammy around the corner to scare him. Why did it take him so long?


Megan started running when she said she heard a noise. I found it so cute when she took of her shoes, I don't even know why. I knew it probably was Nate or Dylan leaving for the same party but I didn't want to seem like a total jerk. So I runned after her. I saw that she stood outside around a corner waiting for me so I went out an other way. I quietly came up behind her and grabbed her tiny waist tightly. When she was about to scream, I put my hand on her mouth. She dropped her shoes she were holding and jumped a little. Then she looked up to me. "I was gonna scare you" she said looping deep into my eyes. "I know, that's why I scared you first" I said with a smirk. She slyly looked down and picked up her shoes.
When we got there, people were already prettig drunk. "Megan, do you drink?"I shouted because the music was way to loud. She turned around as if she already was drunk. "Yeah, do you?" "Yeah I do but I wanna make sure you get home safe" she smiled really big. Her teeth are not perfectly straight but her smile was priceless.
After a few drinks I could tell Megan was having a great time. She was dancing and laughing all time. When people got way too drunk I decided to get Megan home before anything happened. I found her dancing with all these people she didn't even know.
"Come here Megan, we have to leave" I said while I saw a fight was about to start. I took her hand and she followed me out. When we got out, she sprained her foot badly because of her heels. She fel down and just started to cry. I felt so bad, I should have hold her hand all the way. "Sammy, please carry me home". I didn't answer, I just picked her up. I made sure her dress went over her butt so no one would see anything she wouldn't want to show.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2015 ⏰

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