I hug him and say,"Later Eddie."

He hugs me back and says,"Later Adora."

We separate and I go up the steps to Billy and Max. Billy is looking off to the side while Max asks me how my night was last night. I glance at Billy and see his jaw is clenched.

I say,"It was just boring. I was doing homework."

I look at Max and wink and understanding passes through her eyes.

She says,"Same for me. Aside from Billy talking about you nonstop."

Billy's head snaps in our direction and I blush.

He says,"No. i wasn't talking about you."

There's the slightest of pink tint to his cheeks and I say,"Billy, it's ok. I'm used to it. I'm the new girl remember.

Max says,"That's not how Billy was talking about you."

Billy shoves her and I giggle at the expression he gives her.

I say,"Billy be nice to Max."

He looks at me and I smile.

He days,"Fuck it. You. Me-."

He's interrupted by several high school girls calling his name and something in him changes.

"Ladies, ladies, relax. There's enough Billy to go around.", he says.

Max face palms herself and I don't like this.

They're pouting and begging him to come with them whereas I stand with my arms folded across my chest. I take Max's hand in mine and she looks at me as I glare at Billy.

I say,"Let's go Max. We've got to get to class."

Billy looks back over his shoulder at me with a shit eating grin on his face and I turn away not seeing it falter. I head inside with Max following and sigh. I knew better. Guys like him, they don't care about anything else other than getting into your pants. I'm silent as Max and I head to class. She tugs me to a stop outside the door to our first class and I look at her.

Max asks,"Want to talk about it?"

I reply,"Your brother is a piece of work. Having me believe one thing when I'm fact all he is, is a player."

Max replies,"Then screw him. He doesn't deserve you."

I reply," I thought you know, maybe he wasn't like the rest of them."

My mind goes back to that night and I force the tears back.

Max says,"Just forget about him."

I nod and we head inside. We go through our classes and get to lunch. I get my lunch from the cafeteria today and head outside back to the tree from yesterday. I set my tray down and am yanked around and pinned against the tree. I quickly have my knee up into the groin of the man and punch him in the nose.

"Fuck!", Billy's voice reaches me and I see it's indeed Billy and I am shocked.

I say,"B-Billy I'm so sorry."

He glared at me and flashes from that night take over my vision and I begin shaking. My breathing becomes hard to do and I'm back in that dark room. Tears fall from my eyes and I feel hands grab my wrists and I fight against him.

"Let me go. Let me go Kevin.", I say struggling to get my wrists free.

"Relax. It's not going to hurt.", he says.

Tears fall from my eyes faster as his grip on my wrists tightened he shifts them to one hand and turns me around his hand going up my dress pulling my panties to the side. I struggle and his hand slips between my legs and he slips a finger inside me.

I scream,"Get off of me! GET OOOOFFF!"

Suddenly, I'm free and I collapse to my knees. I'm back by the tree and I hear grunting and skin on skin contact and as I'm panting trying to get air in, I turn to find Eddie punching Billy.

I'm confused and say,"Eddie."

He doesn't hear me and I yell,"EDDIE!"

He freezes and looks at me over his shoulder. Billy takes the opportunity to punch Eddie in the mouth splitting his lip and get on top of him. I scramble to my feet and run towards them. I throw myself between Eddie and Billy as Billy swings. His fist landing against my ribs. I drop on top of Eddie and Billy curses. Eddie wraps his arms around me as I glare at Billy. Billy stumbles several steps back and I collapse on top of Eddie.Billy runs off and Eddie and I are panting.

I ask,"Are you ok?"

Eddie asks,"Yeah. Nothing some ice and some green won't fix."

I giggle and it turns into a fit of laughter and Eddie joins in. I get up and my side hurts. I take Eddie's hand in mine and lead him to the girls bathroom. I sit on the sink as he rests his head between my legs looking up at me. I see his nose is bleeding a bit but it isn't broken.

I ask,"What were you thinking?"

Eddie replies,"I saw you struggling against him and you didn't seem comfortable then you were screaming at him to get off you. I just reacted."

I gently dab at his nose with some paper towels and smile.

I say,"Let's just say, Billy triggered a very bad memory."

I look closely at his nose grab some tampons out of the dispenser. I pinch them thinner and push them up his nose.

He ask,"Why?"

I reply,"I need to look at the wound on your lip. If I keep dabbing at your nose the other wound won't ever get cleaned."

I notion for him to turn and he does. I gently pull down his bottom lip and see the cut on the inside.

"Doesn't need stitches but I do need that wound to close up.", I say.

I get out some tweezers and hold his bottom lip down and grab a sugar packet from my bag. I clean the wound with some water and a paper towel and grab the sugar packet. I tear it with my teeth and pour it over the wound. I gently press it into the wound and hold it there for a solid two minutes. I let go of his lip and see the cut on the outside of his lip and sigh.

Eddie asks,"Do you want to talk about it?"

I look ok Eddie's eyes and see concern.

I say,"I was 15. Kevin was 17. We weren't even in the same clique. He was a jock and I was a book nerd, a rocker, an outcast. I thought he actually liked me."

I continue,"We went on a few dates and Kevin was nice. Gentlemanly. But then he would get handsy. I'd reject him every time. He didn't like that. I broke up with him and he really didn't like that. So one day he pulled me into the supply closet...."

I take a deep breath as the panic begins again. I look down as tears well in my eyes. Eddie's hand lands on mine and I look at him.

I say,"He uh..he...he ra-...he."

I begin shaking more as the tears fall and my hands shake as I clench and unclench my fists.

My throat tightens and I stutter,"He...h-he...he r-. He ...he..."

Eddie turns my face to meet his and I see his eyes are full of concern but not pity or judgement.

He says,"Breathe."

I nod and breathe.

Eddie says,"He's not here. He can't get you anymore."

I nod as I breathe calming down.

My voice cracks as I say,"H-he raped m-me."

Eddie shows his hands and says,"I'm going to give you a hug. Is that ok?"

I nod and he says,"No. i need verbal confirmation."

I say quietly,"Yes."

He slowly wraps his arms around me and I fall into him sobbing. He holds me lightly before tightening his hold around me.

He says as he strokes my hair,"I've got you princess. I've got you."

After a while, I don't know how much time has past since the bell rang a while ago, I'm no longer crying. I'm just in Eddie's arms and I feel safe.

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