And the Nightmares Repeat

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Wh-What...? The Vision said; 'Nightmares,' which was quite odd. Please don't tell me that I'll get nightmares again! Okay. Calm down, Tophat. No need to panic.

Just... Try to sleep! Think of something good! Nothing bad!

"Ugh..." I groaned. I couldn't sleep very well. It was uncomfortable sleeping on this bed.

Quite odd. The last time I slept on this bed was normal! Is it just me...?


What... The... Fuck?

The vision was humming. It was bothering me. I opened one of my eyes.

It disappeared. Great. I mean that in a good way. I don't want me seeing the vision again. It'll just distract me a-and make me talk to myself!


Tophat is trying his best to sleep, but just can't stop thinking about what the vision said. He needs more answers.

A few hours later, he falls asleep. He appears to be in a... Dark room...? That's odd...

"Wh-What...?" He said.

He was walking down the hall.


He heard glass shattering.


He turned around and saw a vase that broke.

"O-Oh..." He said.

He continued walking down the hall.


He heard more humming... It was coming from a... Room...

"H-Huh...?" He said in confusion. "..." He turned around.

The humming can be heard. The room was close.

"..." Tophat opened the door.

Nothing. He saw nothing when he opened the door.

"Damn." He said to himself. He closed the door, and continued walking. "..." He was looking around. "Sigh..." He sighed.

He stopped walking, and sat in a corner.

"Is this even... real?" He said to himself. He feels unsure. "I- A-Am I real...?" He said. "That was a deep thing to say..." He said to himself.

A sound was heard, causing Top Hat to flinch.

"Wh-What...?" He said, quietly. He didn't want to get heard. "I need to investigate this." He said, standing up, walking down the stairs.

"..." He was walking down the stairs.

"..." He heard some footsteps near by.

"O-Oh my..." He saw someone... holding a KNIFE!?

The knife was very bloody. And so was the person holding it. Are they on a killing spree. Are they looking for their next target? But who could be the target...?

"Oh, gosh..." He whispered.

"Maybe I should hide somewhere else..." He thought.

Soon, Tophat stood up, and proceeded to walk somewhere else. He tried not to get caught by this mysterious figure. Although, Tophat had a huge feeling that this was another vision of his.

Walking down the halls, Tophat suddenly froze to listen to the familiar hum the figure was humming. Tophat knew he should get moving, but he was just to curious.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2023 ⏰

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