Back at the Mansion

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After a while, Sketchpad and Tophat went back to the mansion.

"We're back!" Sketchpad shouted.

Tophat looked at Sketchpad. "Sketchpad, I don't think you need to shout that. We're... The only ones here." He said.

"Oh. I guess... you're right." Sketchpad said.

Both walked down the hallway.

Tophat looked around.

"Hey." He heard a voice, once again.

He ignored the voice.

"Remember me?" The voice spoke.

Tophat ignored the voice, once again. He continued walking down the hall.

"Uhh... Where are we going again?" Sketchpad questioned.

"To our r-rooms." Tophat said.

"Oh. Right!" Sketchpad said. "Come on!" He said, holding Tophat's legs, running to their rooms.

"W-Woah!" Tophat said. "M-Maybe slow down a bit?" He said.

"It's been a day. Have you moved on?" The voice questioned.

"Oof!" Tophat said.

"There's your room! Off you go, now!" Sketchpad said.

"I-... I forgot that we had rooms here." Tophat said.

"Didn't you just say to go to our rooms?" Sketchpad said.

"Oh! I-I forgot... Heh." Tophat said, giggling.

"Forgetting is normal!" Sketchpad said. "I'll just go to my room now!" He said.

Sketchpad walked away. He went to his room, shortly after.


Tophat opened the door.

"I-It's so messy... here." He said.

"Stuttering?" The voice spoke.

Tophat looked at the vision, but gave no response.

"Hm. I guess you've followed. You ignored me, and gave no response."

Tophat looked away, and entered his room.

"Ugh..." He said, coughing a bit. "It's so dusty in here! I might as well clean it." He said.

"Yeah, you should." The vision spoke.


Tophat didn't respond. He's trying his hardest not to interact with the vision.

Tophat looked around to find some cleaning supplies, but saw none.

"Aw, man. I guess I'll have to stick with this." Tophat said, sitting on the bed.

"Heh." The vision chuckled.

Tophat wants to say something so badly, but remembers to not talk with the vision. Technically he's talking to himself...

"Hmm... What time is it?" He questioned himself.

He realized there was a clock. He looked at the clock for a moment.

6 PM

"6 pm already? Wow. Time goes so fast."

"It does."

Tophat started checking some of the stuff in the room. He didn't find anything interesting.

"Eh." He said.

After a few minutes or so, Tophat explored the room.

Tophat walked around. "I'm so bored!" He said to himself.



The clock struck 7. Tophat looked at the Clock.

"I've been searching for things for an hour!?" He said.

Tophat went to his bed. "What time should I sleep?" He questioned himself.

"Anytime." The vision said.

"Oh, great. Why are you here?" Tophat spoke to the vision.

"And why are you speaking to me again? Didn't I tell you to-"

"Yeah, Yeah. I know. I'm just so bored!" Tophat said.


The vision looked at Tophat for a second.

"I guess I should sleep early. I'm quite tired." Tophat said.


Tophat turned off the lights.



~ Yippee! New Chapter!

~ Word Count: 432

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