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"Yes. You should." GPS said.

"Well...Okay...I think you're right. I-I should..." Tophat said.

"What do you mean "you're"? It's "I'm". You are talking to yourself, after all." GPS said.

"Heh. My bad..." Tophat chuckled.

Tophat walked away, and opened the door, to talk to Sketchpad.




"Why are you here?" Sketchpad questioned.

"I-I'm...Sorry..." Tophat apologized.

"For what?" Sketchpad said.

"Earlier...I-I kept on telling you to leave me alone, w-when you're just trying to help!" Tophat said.

"I accept." Sketchpad said.

"But...Is there still a chance?"

"Yes." Tophat said.

"Caaaan we make a recovery center, again!?" Sketchpad questioned enthusiastically.

"Heh, sure, go ahead!" Tophat said, chuckling.

"Wooh! Time to bring them back!" Sketchpad said.



Whatever Tophat did and say, just instantly changed my mood! I guess the voices told him to...Well, time to bring Speaker and everyone else back, and time to make the recovery center! This will be fun, I bet! And...hopefully, it'll work...this time...


They went to the market, once again, to get the supplies they needed to build their recovery center.



I'm not sure if this is going to work or not, but, hey. I'll let him believe...Oh, I miss you GPS...And I'm sure Sketchpad misses Speaker...It's not the same without you guys. Hopefully...this


"I think it's finished!" Sketchpad said.

"Let's...try not to mess up again like last time..." Tophat said.

"Okay, so, I'll just type in Speaker's name, and it'll work!" Sketchpad said.








He types Speaker's name...incorrectly.

"Okay, I'll just press it, and..." Sketchpad said, pressing the button.

"Wha-Pow! It-..."

"-Didn't work." Tophat said.

"Well, at least it didn't ex-" Sketchpad said.

"Please. Don't say it, or else it'll..." Tophat continued.


"I were right...It's...hopeless." Sketchpad said, walking away.

"Looks like you guys failed...again." GPS spoke.

"A-...Are you here just to humiliate our effort?" Tophat questioned.

"No, sorry. What I meant was; Hey, you failed, tried!" GPS said.

"I...miss you." Tophat said.

"You should...try to cheer him up." GPS said.

"And, maybe...stop talking to yourself. Just...move on."

"..." Tophat nodded his head, walking away.

"...?" Sketchpad heard some footsteps.

"Oh. Hey, I guess?" Sketchpad said.

"Hey." Tophat said.

"I know; we failed again, we didn't bring them back, but hey, we tried at least, right?"

"Yeah..." Sketchpad said.

"I guess bringing them back isn't possible."

Tophat chuckled.

"Should we...just, move on?" Sketchpad questioned.

"Heh, yeah...we should. The vision said so." Tophat said.

"Oh, now it's a vision!?" Sketchpad said.

"It's a voice, and a vision." Tophat said.


~ 1 Vote when? (Insert pleading face)

~ Word Count: 378

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