039. emails i can't send ranking!!!

78 2 41


sabrina is back !!!!! here is my ranking after the first few listens but i know for a fact they'll change and that's okay this album is so good it was entirely worth the wait !!!

i love seeing her growth and i feel like this seems like her most personal album yet and i think she even said that idk but the production on this album and her vocals are the best they've ever been i'm so proud of her and i know i complained for such a long time about having to wait so long for the album but i'm so glad she took the time she needed for it but anyway here's my ranking !!! this was so hard

ok don't get mad but i just ... don't love this song. like the production is good and her voice is beautiful and the melody is so good, i just do not vibe with it. it kind of gives me tolerate it vibes if that makes sense and like there's lines that i love and think they really resonate but overall idk i would not listen to this very often except for on the album (i will say though it's grown on me in repeated listens)

hear me out !!! i don't think this song deserved the disrespect it got when it dropped but people were not wrong in saying that it's one of her weakest songs. idk maybe its the spoken word verses that throw it off for me but its just not one i find myself coming back to often and i don't think it'll change. however ... that chorus adds ten years to my life every time i hear it so points for that <3

i have been obsessed with this song and waiting to hear the studio version since she originally posted that snippet and it is so good like the production and the way the music gets a little louder towards the end and when she says "cause you were all i looked up to, now i can't even look at you" that shit hurt !!! this one is really for the girlies with trust issues and i get it </3 the only reason it ranks so low is i love bops more than ballads im sorry

i did not like this song on the first listen ... the second however, it's a lot better !! it's obviously not close to my favorite on the album but i do like it a lot and i think it has potential to grow on me. it reminds me of another song of hers but i can't place it rn lol and it also kinda gives me early 2000s vibes?? idk anyway next

i know she teased this song i know it !!! it's so pretty and there's something about just her and the guitar and the way the music builds?? i love it and i love the chorus and the way it ends the laughter and the swelling of music and her talking it's a perfect closer to this album imo it works so well

this song is not at all what i had originally expected when it was teased for fucking ever ago ... but it's still so good i think it's cute although i will say the "he's good, he's bad, the best i ever had" makes me think of that one song from the descendants soundtrack BUT its still cute and i would put in on a crush playlist if i ever made one

i too used to lie to my therapist i get it sabrina </3 but seriously especially on the chorus i just think this song is so good and pretty. i like the idea of like "if i pretend it didn't happen and no one saw it, it didn't happen" bc i wish it worked that way lol but anyway it's so good

i still listen to this all the time okay like it has been on every current favs/driving playlist i have made since it came out i don't know what she put in this but the instrumental break and the way she sings god i love it and i think it was the best like "official" introduction to the album she could've possibly given us i think it gave us such a good idea of what was to come i love this song

i have been waiting for this !!! i know we're all over the drama and trying to move on and like i fully support that but i've been wanting to hear about how that whole thing was for her and this goes into that so well to me idk like imagine you've dated and broken up with someone and a few weeks/months/whatever you find out that you're getting shit on the internet bc you happened to date someone another singer dated god </3 and this song is so good??? if she had released this instead of skin (i fucking love skin dont get me wrong) i wonder if the immediate reaction would've been different

i know we've had this song for a few weeks now but honestly if it's not in my top songs of 2022 ... spotify is broken i have not stopped listening to it. it's so good and even though i haven't been in a relationship like that i do entirely relate to being hurt horribly by someone and having everyone else think they're so great but anyway... the verses are so good and again her vocals?? i'll never shut up about the "...so, so, so" part and the bridge idk who she took lessons from bc her bridges on this album are the best they've ever been she's doing great

i cannot believe this isn't my number one ... with the snippet she posted i really thought it would be. it did make top three though and for very good reason !!!! the way it starts and leads into the chorus is so good and i love a song about unrequited (not really but kind of?) love that isn't super sad bc sometimes you don't need that. the way it goes into wanting someone so bad you'll take them any way you can get them god i love it (i also wanna write a fic now anyway) the bridge again !!!! so fucking good

this is a shocker to me bc when i saw the lyrics for it i was like ... um this will probably be a bottom three song but it's so cute and good and it doesn't take itself seriously i love it. i love her voice and the way she sings some of the words and the end ??? she did in fact right a pop hit !!! and i love the way it ends with her joking around and all the laughter it's such a good song

this one came out of nowhere and stole my number one spot on this list and could quite possibly my new favorite sabrina song. everything about this is so catchy and good and i cannot wait to play this in the car over and over til i'm so sick of it. i'm in love with it

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