026. exposing my drafts ...kind of

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━━━ 026. PARANOIA

this is my very incoherent exposing my drafts lol
bc i'm stuck with really bad writer's block and
half baked ideas. none of these are for sure going
to be posted at any point like some don't even have
titles lol but maybe some of them will eventually be
posted idk i just wanna put them somewhere


i actually do have plans to write this one if i can ever get my shit together !!! it kind of steals the plot of my old luke alvez fic by the same name with the same oc (sage sterling) who is a politician's daughter and basically her and sam meet up at a fundraiser and they absolutely despise each other but one night they get drunk and hook up and idk but anyway it's enemies to lovers and maybe a fake dating trope idk i don't have it all worked out but the idea is there


i'm not sold on this title and i'm kind of Not Feeling the hp universe rn (which is part of why glimmer hasnt been updated) but basically it's a post war au where harry peaces out after the war bc like he's been thru a lot and he moves to this small town but the thing is this girl he starts to notice has been following him around since he got there

and basically like she's a seer and she's seen him coming for a long time and has been waiting for the day he arrives and it's kind of cool bc a lot of her pov will be through visions where she plays thru different scenarios but idk i haven't figured out how to make that Not Confusing so it's on hold lol


so this started out as a 40s!bucky au but i cant decide which way to go with it lol

but basically its either going to be bucky and a nurse sneaking out to see each other late at night during war time bc its the only comfort they have OR (still bucky and a nurse) but after the war (so an au where none of the bad stuff happens) where they meet and kind of become each other's solace after everything idk it makes better sense in my head


i've just been really thinking it should've been clint instead in aou lately ...but anyway

this is so unfleshed out but basically its after aou in an au (lol) where pietro lives obviously and basically they're living at the avengers compound but there's this girl there who can like control other people's emotions and stuff and she was experimented on too which is how she can do that and it's kind of them learning to cope w it among other things

it's also kind of a heavier subject material type fic so idk how well it would do on here and also i'd be changing A Lot of canon things so it's just ...lol idk

i also really wanna write fics for monica and darcy and torres and carol and also maybe may parker idk i have so many characters i want to write for and no ideas or time to do it but who knows

idk i'm just writing for me now anyway so i'm just kind of writing whatever i feel like writing when i do and having a ton of excerpt drafts for different fics is kind of fun idk ig we'll see what comes from it

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