035. top ten teen wolf ships

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so obviously this made the most sense as the next ranking chapter considering i hinted at some ships i liked when talking about my fav teen wolf characters but also lila told me to do this one next and as she is my fav person i had to so ... eImstreets this is for u <333

i'm working on multiple degrassi rankings bc lex said to and maybe some scream related things bc i love jumping on bandwagons or whatever !! i need more ideas tho bc these are fun but i can't think of anything but anyway here u go pls dont hate my choices thank u


starting with the true underrated ship of the series, i am here to spread the allica/erison(?) agenda. i just think they would've been enemies to lovers excellence i saw that scene in the chem lab and when erica said "would you rather it be your thigh?" my brain just !!!! they could've been so good i think like i wish erica would've been around for more than a season anyway bc i feel like (while she wouldn't have had as drastic a change as isaac) she would've definitely been different after getting away from derek and probably would've meshed really well with the pack and her and allison would have been iconic together


underrated overhated and cute for what they were!

it was very obvious that they were a last minute pairing bc i don't think they knew how to let scott be without a relationship and malia was there but they were cute and yall can fight me on it all u want <3

there was something really nice about them both having someone to lean on and lift them up and how much they cared about each other also idk i think that scene where peter sees malia's memories of scott was so cute idk they're not the best ship by a long shot but they were cute yall are just mean


i may in fact hate stiles most of the time but he was at his absolute best with malia like unfortunately this is a "she could fix him" moment bc all my issues with stiles are a lot less when they're together

the way he helped her through and was by her side the entire time she was learning how to adjust to being human again? the way they cared about each other and were so aware of how each other felt at any moment? they were so good and the fact that it all crashed and burned in such a stupid way and then in 6a they just totally ignored that they had anything at all ??? its so ugly


another ship we were robbed of!!!! i remember watching it for the first time and watching mason practically drooling over this hot "straight" lacrosse player and feeling his pain only to find out brett was in fact not straight at all?? and then they didn't put them together??? no hate to corey but what the actual fuck?? thank you lex for reminding me how mad this makes me i've been thinking about it since u posted ur ranking

so many good things would have come from this i swear it like brett was a part of satomi's pack and i can just imagine mason who genuinely seemed to like learning about all the mythology and stuff going to see satomi with brett and learning everything he could and sitting there in awe and brett with heart eyes watching mason learn everything and bond with satomi like that's like his mom dude??? they could've been so cute it also would've brought brett more into the pack as well like he didn't have to be in it but we would've gotten more from that not to mention liam being a little bitch about mason and brett dating bc his best friend is dating his enemy we were robbed i want them to be together if we can revive allison we can revive brett and make it happen

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