033. january stats

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so last year i decided to make a list and kind of review all the books i read every month in 2021 and i fell off about halfway through but i decided to try it again this year AND add to it. i figured i'd try to keep track of new things i watch (bc no one needs to know how many times i restart s2 of gilmore girls)

this is just like a little log for me but yall can look at it too if u want lol


1. one last stop by casey mcquiston
after letting this book sit on my shelf for half a year, i finally read it and it did not disappoint. i think the whole concept was executed so well and while it could've just focused mainly on the romance and i would've still throughly enjoyed it (bc casey writes incredible romance to me like smiling out loud giggling screaming into a pillow type shit i love it) the time loop plot was so well done and i was so invested in it. not to mention all the characters were so good and i just loved it <3333

2. honey girl by morgan rogers
this book took me two months to read bc i've been a massive reading slump and then i left it in my car for like a month straight but every time i did pick it up to read it was very good and it probably would've been a quick read if i'd been able to read it in one go. it deals a lot with feeling like you're not measuring up and meeting everyone's and ur own expectations which is very heavy for me rn so i had to take some breaks and i definitely cried but the romance in this was also very good and i loved the concept and execution <333 my only complaint was that maybe the ending was too rushed i feel like there was too much stuff to wrap up too fast and it could've benefited from being slightly longer but it's still so worth the read!!!


1. euphoria
i've put off euphoria forever bc it kind of always gave me modernized skins vibes and skins is a show i cannot watch without falling back into a depressive episode so i was like as pretty as it looks and as much as i adore the cast... maybe not for me! but then i saw all the hype when s2ep1 dropped and i finally decided to watch it bc as fun as no context euphoria is ... having context is so much more fun and i think it's a really good show (like obviously or it probably wouldn't be so hyped up) but i am tired of seeing dicks and borderline porn scenes ...

2. scream 4
i finally did it !!! i finally watched all the scream movies after putting this one off forever bc i could never find it on streaming and i couldn't find a physical copy in stores and i didn't want to order/rent it but i was determined to watch it before i saw the new one so i finally caved and honestly ... so worth it !!! i personally think it's the most creative one with the kills and while i think the killers themselves weren't my favs it made a lot of sense and it was still so fun so !! (once the new one comes out on streaming/dvd i think im gonna rewatch and rank them all)

3. scream (2022)
one of my top three scream movies i'm calling it now !!! like even if i wasn't impressed with the killer(s) i still thought it was a really fun movie and a nice way to bring back the franchise and i'm so excited to see what they do if they make another one (i'm not gonna talk about my thoughts bc spoilers even tho idk if anyone will even read these lol)

4. i know what you did last summer (the series)
as someone who has never seen the movie ... i loved this version (ik it has like zero to do w it aside from the name and basic premise but anyway) it was everything i would've wanting in a horror movie being turned into a tv show like the gore and the creepiness and the killer(s) reveal and just everything about it !!!! im telling u its a modern day scream the tv series (basically its what scream would've been like if it was made now) but im so sad it's canceled what the fuck amazon prime ):

5. law and order: svu
this is an honorable mention only bc my mom has been rewatching it from the beginning so sometimes i come in and watch it with her but i don't really have much to say bc like it's ur typical crime procedural and i'm not really invested in the characters but it's like something everyone has watched at least some of and i remember it being on the tv the entire time me and my friend were in a hotel in jersey so idm watching it ❤️

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