Chapter Thirteen-Sunshine

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North really is very good at driving this sled. The other Guardians have chosen to head to the place first and we meet them there, so it's only me, Jack, and North. Today's the day when we stop Trista. And I am one hundred percent not ready.

I mean, sure, I don't need to worry because I will have help. But I have never done these type of things, and I am really nervous. What if the plan doesn't work? What if I end up disappointing everyone? And what if-?

"Hey," Jack snaps. I turn to look at him. "Everything is going to be fine. You're going to do okay. And I have been calling you multiple times, what are you daydreaming about, Sunshine?"

"Out of all nicknames you chose that one? How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that." I say.

"Oh come on! It fits you so well. Because you like, I don't know, help grow plants and stuff," he says avoiding my gaze.

"Then would you like for me to call you by your whole name?" I grin and he looks back at me.

"You can call me anything but that," He says, smiling.

"Oh really? How about ice cube? Because you like, I don't know, make ice and stuff," I say and his smile fades. "No, I think I'm just going to keep calling you by your whole name. I don't know, I can't decide."

"Are you serious?" He says.

"Yes," I answer.

"Well you still can't stop me from calling you Sunshine," he smirks.

"You're ridiculous," I say.

"But you love me ridiculously, right?" Jack says and I just give him a look.

North laughs. "You two fight like a married couple."

"Marriage?" Jack says and he smirks at me.

"In a million years, Frost," I say.

"You know you can't resist me-" he says before he gets cut off because the sled starts moving. We all fall silent.

"See? That's your sign to be quiet-" Jack covers my mouth with his hand and I frown looking at him.

"Don't move," Jack whispers in my ear and I freeze. He slowly takes his hand off of my mouth and I stare at him. When I know I can look, I glance to my side and down before I see a nightmare. I look back up and nod to Jack.

She has chosen to attack early. But we are prepared for it.

At least I think so.

Hey everyone! Here is chapter thirteen! 😍

So you could call this a late update, but I am right on time. Also, I'm really sorry that it's a short chapter.🧍‍♀️

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Word count: 417

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