Chapter Twelve-New Plan

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"I'm sorry...what?" I say in shock. "You- you can see me?"

"Am I not supposed to?" Jamie asks.

"Remember what I told you about us, the Guardians?" Jack asks. "We are not to be seen unless someone believes."

He gives Jack a confused look and nods.

"Jamie," I say, turning his attention to me. "Do you believe in spring?"

A stupid question. I know. But I might have just figured out why I am visible.

"Well yeah," he says. "It happens every year."

"And do you believe that someone—makes spring happen?" I ask.

"Oh yes. I mean, if Jack does it in winter, then there should be someone who does it in spring, right?" He says.

I smile. "You are right, and I am that person."

He gasps. "What?! Are you serious?"

"But we are not here to do introductions," Jack says, his expression as cold as ice. "Remember Pitch? Well, he has a daughter named Trista and she wants to end what he started. We went to her hideout. Her next target will be Easter so we will need all the help we can get. Are you willing to help?"

Jamie's face beams with joy. "Yes! Can I bring Sophie?"

I look at Jack. "Sophie?"

"Sophie is his sister," He answers and then smiles at Jamie. "And yes, you can bring her."

"Great! So when are we leaving?" Jamie asks.

"Tomorrow," I answer. "We will be picking both of you up in the morning. Now go back to sleep. You need to rest."

"Okay!" He answers. He lays down and throws a blanket over himself. "Good night."

"Good night Jamie," We both say at the same time and then exchange looks.

We fly out the window and I turn to Jack. "So now that we know someone believes in me, am I at risk of disappearing too?"

Jack stops and studies my face for a long time. I try to maintain eye contact in the most awkward way I can manage so he stops looking at me.

Then I see his eyes drift to my lips. I feel my cheeks burn.

Luckily, I don't think he notices because he looks back at me and says, "Don't worry about it too much. I bet it's not as bad as the others."

I just slowly nod and continue to fly. We have a lot to inform the other Guardians.


"So you found help," Says Bunny. "We can handle this on our own"—North clears his throat and gives him a look—"But, I guess a little more help wouldn't hurt."

"How are we going to catch Trista tomorrow then?" I ask.

"That's simple," Tooth starts. "All we need to do is catch her right on the spot."

"But it's not as easy as it sounds, right?" I ask.

"That's right," North says. "We will have to fight her. And we will need hope from the children. That's where Jamie and Sophie come in. We can't let anything slip from sight. We will not make the same mistake from last year and with the teeth."

Then I remember the teeth. Why were they so important? I mean, I get that we need to collect them so the children keep believing. But I feel like there's something more about them that I don't know. I will have to ask North later.

"So we have a plan," I say.

"I guess so," Jack says.

Hey everyone! Here is chapter twelve! 🏃‍♀️

This would count as a late update but at least I posted this. 😍

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it!

Word count: 572

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