Chapter Nine- Green Goblin

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The police radios began firing off. It seemed like every part of the city was in trouble or in need of help.

"Time to go to work." I said pressing the spider on my chest while my suit worked itself over my body.

Nora's feet danced with purple lightning before she was gone and back in a flash.

"Thanks for joining me on this wonderful evening, you gonna come help or what?" Barts voice said through our comms as a yellow streak was running in and out of streets and alleys.

Nora rolled her eyes and kissed my cheek. "See you soon, spider."

She disappeared in a flash of purple lightning.

I smiled before jumping out into the dark streets.

"Lukas, got a bank robbery on Broadway and Tenth." Bart said through the comms. "Think you can handle that?"

"On it." I said as I quickly made a hard right onto Broadway.

A couple of gunshots rang out.

The city was in disarray, the cops were everywhere. Bart and Nora were everywhere, and every-time I turned my head some one was calling in distress.

"The city's in shambles and you guys still manage to get caught." I said to the robbers as I backflipped through the front door.

"It's the spider, get him." One of the men yelled as gunshot ripped through the air.

I ducked back and forth and flipped onto the wall before throwing myself at one of the men knocking him backwards into the wall.

I used his body to propel myself at another guy, I turned to the left and covered another's face with webs before drop kicking the other guy. I webbed a shelf and pulled it down on top of him.

I began walking towards the final burglar when the sound of thrusters caught my ear.

I became distracted as my attention was focused on what the spider sense was hearing.

A gunshot rang out but never hit as a purple blur flew in front of me.

The burglar was handcuffed and Nora dropped a bullet in front of me and dusted her hands off.

"Thank you." I said to her. "But I had that."

"Really? Because it looked like you were about to get shot." She said winking at me before zooming into the street.

The sound of a cackling laugh and a pair of thrusters echoed through the night sky as a spherical object bounced into the bank before landing at my feet.

I bent over to examine the object. It was orange, like a pumpkin and a green light slowly pulsed as it ticked.

"Bomb." I said gulping as I quickly dove towards the conscious burglar tackling behind the register as debris ripped over my head.

"You okay?" I asked the burglar.

He nodded his head terrified.

"Okay, your ride will be here soon." I said to him as police sirens echoed through the streets.

I jumped up and ran outside searching for the attacker.

I couldn't see anything in the darkness of the city but my sense picked up the sound of thrusters.

A sinister laugh ripped through my ears as an armored green suit with a ripped purple hood and purple shirt and waist cloth took a tight corner and stared me down.

"Hello spider, funny seeing you here."

He was standing on some sort of glider. A pouch wrapped around his shoulders hung at his hip and I saw it was full of more pumpkin bombs.

"Who are you?" I yelled to him.

"I'm your greatest rival Spiderman." He said as his thrusters kicked in and he came right at me.

I bent over backwards just in time as the glider crossed over the top of me.

It was incredibly agile as it immediately turned and the man turned back towards me.

"Oh no." I said as two pumpkin bombs were thrown from his hands.

One towards me. The other towards a group of bystanders.

Panic set in throughout my body, I had no idea what do.

I reacted purely on instincts. I kicked the bomb back towards the glider and point launched myself off the hood of the car next to me sending me towards the group of civilians.

I quickly webbed the bomb layer after layer. It finally exploded, the webs holding it down broke off a little but other wise remained intact.

"Behind you." A man said shakily pointing behind me.

I didn't have time to react as I was picked up into the air and held above the ground. He had an incredibly strong grip as his hand closed around my throat.

And I began to fall unconscious.

Purple and yellow flashes appeared from either direction down the street.

"This wasn't so hard at all." The man said looking into my white lenses.

My head rolled as the two flashes of lighting ran up the building behind him.

One of the streaks leapt from the building and hit the man in the back of the head causing him to drop me.

The other flash jumped from the building and caught me before running me back into the street.

"Stay here. You're done." Impulse said as he disappeared again.

The man was nearing the ground now and back and forth two flashes of lightning, one yellow and one purple went back and forth hitting him.

The armor he was wearing had insane durability being able to take multiple punches from speedsters should be near impossible.

The man decided he finally had enough as he threw two devices to the ground while the street became enveloped in fog.

When the fog cleared the man was gone, leaving only Impulse and XS remaining.

"You good?" Xs asked as the two helped me to my feet.

"Still try to catch my breath, but yeah." I said to them. "Thanks for the save."

"Anytime." Impulse said chuckling.

Street and building lights suddenly began turning on throughout the city.

"We need to figure out who the hell that was." I said to them I said unable to get the sinister laugh out of my head.

The two speedsters nodded at me before Xs grabbed me and sped us back to the apartment.

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