Chapter Four- Reinstated

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So, this is where the magic happens." I said examining the setup that Nora and Bart had turned their loft into.

"Oh god, I hope not." Bart said acting disgusted.

Nora punched him. "That's enough of that. But yes Lukas, this is where we work out of."

"Where's everyone else?" I asked confused.

"With the massive crime and meta human drop rate in Central City the last twenty seven years, we no longer needed the whole team. Mom and dad retired, Caitlin uses her time now as the head bio-engineer and CEO at Snow Incorporated." Nora said. "She basically runs the place."

"How's Joe and Cecile? They still kicking?" I asked them.

Bart nodded. "Happily retired, they live in Florida now."

"What about Jenna?" I asked mentioning Joe and Cecile's daughter.

"Married and my boss."

"She's the police captain?" I said as my mouth dropped. "I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

"Chester and Allegra are in Midway. Chester runs Runk Tech, mainly dealing with electronics and Allegra is a news reporter with a serious case of uv rays. They have a son. Chuck Quincy Runk." Nora said as I took a seat at the counter.

"What about Cisco and Kamilla?" I asked spinning on the stool.

"Cisco is still at ARGUS and Kamilla continued her work as a reporter. They have two kids Dante and Ronnie." Nora said not taking her eyes off me.

"I was at the museum." I admitted to Nora and Bart. "I know about Frost."

Nora and Bart looked at each other before Bart spoke. "It's heartbreaking, but we weren't the incident so we unfortunately can't help you with any answers."

"So, where are Barry and Iris?" I asked after an uncomfortable silence between the three of us.

"They're traveling the world. Turns out it's kind of hard to do that when you're constantly saving the planet and then boom suddenly you have two kids running Mach three around the living room." Bart said smiling as he checked his watch. "I gotta run, catch y'all later."

He disappeared in a yellow flash leaving Nora and I alone in the apartment.

"Finally." I said smiling at her as I walked towards where she was sitting on the counter.

She blushed and bit her lip as we got close.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist and gently pressed her forehead against mine.

"I've been waiting along time for this." Nora whispered to me.

"Well, let's stop waiting." I said to her as I went in for a kiss.

She pulled back suddenly shaking her head and smiling. "Not yet, mister. We have work to do."

I walked away holding my head back and groaned in annoyance, "What on Earth could we possibly have to do now?"

Nora held up a résumé and beamed at me. "Job hunting! And touring Central City twenty forty nine of course."

"Can't we do that after?" I whined as Nora threw my jacket to me.

She looked back and raised an eyebrow. "After what?"

I followed Nora out the door. "After, like the magic?"

She turned around and spread her arms. "What happened to waiting, last time I checked you had to figure things out."

My mouth dropped. "Girl, you are on thin ice."

"My oh my, aren't you a sight for sore eyes." The dark skinned woman with long brown hair and dark brown hair spoke as she stood up from behind her desk.

"Captain West." I said shaking her hand. "Wow, you're so grown up. Last time I saw you,  you were three."

"The city is raving about you Mr. Vincent." She said smiling. "Everyone loves a good red, white, and blue."

I looked at Nora and mouthed 'she knows'.

"Of course I know, my brother-in-law is the Flash, my sister is his wife. You were good friends with my mother who also happens to be a metahuman and you worked for my dad." She said. "Have a seat."

I took a seat and Nora took the chair next to me.

"Nora gave me your application months ago, showed me your old reports, and the work you did with my father who himself also referred you to take back your old position." Captain West said. "The work you've done for this precinct and this town is remarkable, any precinct would be lucky to have you but since you're family, I got first dibs."

"Wait, does that mean I'm hired?" I asked and smiled at Nora who was grinning from ear to ear.

Captain West placed a badge in front of me. "You will be assisting Nora in her work for the time being. You will not be late, and the old lab is where you will be working."

"Thank you so much, Captain."

"What can I say, when Spiderman calls. You answer." She replied back to me as she shook my hand.

I began to follow Nora back out the door but Captain West cleared her throat causing me to turn around.

"Normally, I don't allow workplace relationships. Especially not trainer to trainee ones, but I'll allow it for now. Keep it professional and for the love of God, no funny business in the lab." She said as she smoothed out her uniform before sitting down.

I nodded my thanks and turned to head out but good ole Nora just had to poke her head back into the office.

"Captain West, you have nothing to worry about." She said sarcastically. "We're not together."

Captain West looked up confused. "Oh? Barry and Iris say otherwise."

Nora looked at me. "I'm sorry in advance."  She turned back to the Captain and spoke again.

"Yeah, they get it mixed up sometimes but Lukas has some stuff to figure out first."

I rolled my eyes as we headed for the lab.

"Never gonna let that one go are you?"

"Absolutely not."

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