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At some point in the night, Eddie had gone back to the guest bedroom. It was almost 2pm and he was still asleep, so you left him a handwritten note telling him where you'd be, and that you would be home before 7.

You arrived at Robin's house, the door was unlocked so you made your way inside. "Honey, I'm home!" you called out jokingly, peering around to see Robin in the kitchen, setting out supplies to make cookies.

"Welcome home, darling. Hard day at work?" she teased, pointing to the bags under your eyes.

"You wouldn't believe it," you huffed, sitting down at the kitchen table. She grinned from ear to ear, moving to sit across from you.

"Oh, yeah? Try me," she exclaimed.

You avoided her gaze, you didn't want to betray Eddie's trust, but to be fair, he never said you couldn't tell anyone. Besides, Robin wasn't just anyone, you knew she didn't believe the rumors about Eddie, so you decided to tell her. "Okay, but you can't tell anyone. Got it?" you asked, sternly. Robin made a zipping motion over her lips. "Eddie Munson has been staying at my house," you admit.

Robin's eyes widened in complete disbelief. That was an overreaction, you thought. You mean, sure, Eddie was a suspect for murder, but he still lived in the town. "Y/n, c'mon, stop joking around. Tell me what's actually going on," Robin replied, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Rob, you've gotta believe me! Why would I be lying about this?!" you squeaked, frustration evident in your voice.

"Y/n/n, is this 'cause Steve and I went to see Top Gun without you? Because I swear I didn't think you wanted to see it!" Robin said, putting her hands up in defense.

"Wha-No! Robin, I'm not kidding. Eddie Munson has been staying at my house for the last day and a half. He even slept in my bed last night!" you exclaimed, tugging on your hair in exasperation.

Robin scoffed, shaking her head from side to side, "Okay, y/n/n, Eddie Munson slept in your bed last night and Vickie and I are married with six kids. Can we make cookies now, please?"

You followed Robin in desperation as she got up and began to put the cookie dough out onto the pan. You got down on your knees, grasping on to her hand tightly. "Why don't you believe me, Rob? I'm telling the truth, I swear to God," you begged.

Robin met your eyes and when she saw them gloss over with tears, she knew you were telling the truth. "I believe you. I believe you," she sighed, sitting down on the ground next to you. The realization that there was a great possibility that you were in danger hit her like a freight train. Various possibilities ran through her mind. She settled on the only ration explanation, that Dustin had faked Eddie's death and helped him escape Hawkins. That was it, right? But then why would Eddie show up at your house? Why wouldn't he leave Hawkins?

"Talk to me, Rob," you mumbled. She met your eyes, you could tell she felt guilty for not believing you. But there was something she wasn't telling you.

"It's nothing, 's just a little strange, I guess," she shrugged, resting her head against the fridge.

"I'm with you on that one. He's been acting weird, well, weirder than usual. I never see him eat or drink anything, he practically sleeps all day, and he's always up at night. Plus, when he snuck into my house, he was covered in blood. And when I say covered, Rob, I mean it. Covered. But when I cleaned him up, there wasn't a single scratch on him," you chuckled dryly.

"Huh, weird," Robin muttered, biting her lip.

"But don't tell anyone, okay? Not Steve, not Dustin. Nobody. I don't wanna rat him out," you pleaded.

"Yeah, yeah. Of course not..." she trailed off before speaking up again, "Hey, d'you think we could do a rain check on the cookies? I just remembered I have to cover for Steve at work."

"Of course, just call me when you want to hangout and I'll be there," you smiled, giving her a small, one-armed hug before getting up and walking out of her house. Your brows furrowed at her odd behavior, why is everyone being so weird?

As soon as she heard you pull out of the driveway, Robin sprung up and sprinted to the phone, immediately dialing Family Video.

"Family Video, how can I be of service?" Steve's voice chimed through the phone.

"Steve, it's Robin. You and Dustin need to come to my place, ASAP," Robin demanded, holding the phone with a tight grip.

"I've got another hour of work, I can't just leave!" Steve protested.

"It's an emergency. Close early, get Henderson, and be at my house in thirty, no, twenty!" was all Robin said as she hung up.

Thirty minutes later, Robin heard a knock on the door. She skidded to the door and swung it open. Dustin and Steve stood there, completely unimpressed with her.

"This better be worth it," Steve groaned as he shoved Dustin inside, shutting the door behind him.

"Oh, trust me. It is," Robin laughed, standing in front of the two boy's as they sat on her couch. "Y/n was just here, and you will never believe what she told me," Robin began, the other two looking at her expectantly. "Eddie Munson is alive, staying at her house."

Dustin's jaw dropped at Robin's words. He knew you, you were no liar. You had to have been telling the truth. Ever since Eddie died in his arms, Dustin was trying to come up with various ways that he could've survived, and now, he finally had one. "Did she, did she say anything else?"

"She said he'd been acting weird, like, supernatural weird. Not eating or drinking, only sleeping during the day. And apparently he's, like, a crazy fast healer because she said he was covered in blood, but she cleaned him up and there wasn't a single wound on his body," Robin explained.

"No way. Eddie's a vampire?!" Steve gasped.

"I mean, it sure sounds like it. But, she told me not to tell anyone. In fact, she specifically mentioned you two dinguses, so, we need to figure out a plan or something," Robin replied.

Steve and Robin immediately turned to Dustin who let out a groan when they did.

When you entered your house, you couldn't find Eddie anywhere. "Eddie? Eddieeeee!" you called out in a sing-song tone. Still, no sign of the metalhead. As soon as you stopped talking, you could hear a faint thudding sound coming from upstairs. Slowly, you crept up the stairs and followed the sound into your room. Eddie was on the floor, digging through book after book, searching for something. "Eddie?" you called out once again, softer this time.

Eddie stopped moving for a second before he turned to look at you over his shoulder. His gaze was cold, angry almost. Was he angry at you?

"Looking for anything in specific?" you asked, a small smile on your face. Eddie grumbled something incoherent. He was, in fact, looking for something specific, but he wasn't going to tell you what. He was hungry, but deer blood wasn't going to cut it this time. He needed something else, he needed you.

A devilish smirk grew on his face as he heard your heartbeat quicken and your breath get caught in your throat. He could read your mind, you were scared. It was quite ironic, really. You never thought he was scary before, even though that's how the entire school saw him. But now, now you weren't so sure. The sound of the phone ringing made you jump, a small yelp escaping your lips. You approached the phone, Eddie's eyes following your every move.

"H-hello?" you muttered into the receiver, clutching it tightly.

"Listen, Y/n, I've been thinking about it, about what you were saying regarding Eddie. This is going to sound crazy, I know, but I think Eddie might be a-"

love bites | vampire!eddie munson x fem!readerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant