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"I'm going to kill that little bitch," Felicity growls as she is pulled awake by Caroline. Caroline tries her hardest to soothe Felicity, pushing the hair back from her face and - wait. 

"What the fuck Care are you petting me?" 

"Ehehe, um ...." Her hand lifts from Felicity's head, a sheepish smile covering the blonde's face. Felicity rolls her eyes, lightly pushing the blonde away from her. 

"God, I can't believe I didn't even get to use this dress, too, it's so pretty. Ugh,"  Felicity slouches, throwing herself back on the bed and pulling Caroline with her. 

"Well, maybe you can put it in your closet for safe keeping for your first date with your soulmate," Caroline suggests, wiggling her eyes crazily when Felicity looks over at her. Felicity barks out a laugh, snorting as she slaps Caroline's arm. 

"Do you know what that powder was, anyways?" 

"I think it was witch hazel powder," Caroline mutters, eyes looking sad as she stares at her friend. 

"I know Damon said something about having some powder from Katherine that could take out a witch if needed. I'm sorry, City, I didn't even really think they were telling the truth, or they would actually use it." 

Felicity goes and pets Caroline's head, making the blonde giggle. "It's okay, hun. Honestly, who would've thought the idiots had it in them." 

"I hope I'm not interrupting girl time." 

Felicity and Caroline burst up, standing on the bed and facing the bedroom door, finding Klaus smiling at the two. His smile is soft while looking at Caroline, and it turns firm when looking at Felicity. 

"Look at you, my little tribrid, having a little heart to heart with her best friend." 

"What do you want, dickface?" She hears Caroline giggle behind her and watches Klaus' eyes sparkle at the sound. Her head tilts slightly to the side, and Klaus' eyes narrow. She smirks at him. 

Got you. 

"Stefan stole my family from me," Klaus speaks, looking at Felicity. "I would assume you would have some interest in finding them." 

"Why?" She deadpans, and his face falls. 

"What do you mean, why?" 

"How does that affect me?" Caroline snorts, flopping onto the bed as Felicity raises an eyebrow down at the hybrid. The man scoffs, rolling his eyes and flashing over to her, pulling her off the bed and yanking her down so she's now looking up at him. 

"Listen, sweetheart, I need you to do a tiny little spell for me -" 

"That's where you got me wrong, big bro," Felicity pats him on the chest, eyes widening slightly and eyebrows raising once, nodding at him. 

"I don't really know any magic, never taught. Sheila just taught me how to control my siphoning so I didn't out myself. So unless you can teach me the words, I don't know jack shit about locating your family." 

Klaus groans, rolling his eyes. "Listen, I don't know much about mates, but I know even without you starting the process you can feel him in there." 

He pushes his finger into her chest, pushing her back a few steps. Caroline jumps up, standing behind Felicity. 

"Soulmate talk? I'm totally in. Get out, Klaus, we're changing." She pushes the hybrid out (he totally lets her do it) and they change into some of Felicity's shorts and tanks before meeting the hybrid down in the foyer. 

"Alright," Klaus starts, standing in front of Felicity. 

"I might not have tapped into my magic when I was human, but I've surrounded myself with enough witches the last millennia to know enough. Now close your eyes." 

"And leave you to do whatever you want? No." Klaus rolls his eyes, and Caroline laughs. 

"Just do it," Klaus groans out, rethinking this whole thing. Felicity smirks, closing her eyes and breathing deeply. 

"Now, center yourself. Reach deep within yourself to feel for that pull. I'm not sure what it'll feel like, really, since I've never experienced it, but we know you have it, so it'll be there. Somewhere. When you feel it, tell us." 

She drowns out the conversation the two blondes are having as she looks within herself for whatever the hell the hybrid was talking about. It takes a while, but then she feels it. 

A thrum. 

It's faint, at first. But now that she knows where it is, she tugs on it. Her eyes fly open and her mouth parts with a gasp. She runs out of the house, the blondes following her. 

She ends up at the witch's house. 

She walks through the witch house, practically flying down to the basement where she finds three coffins sitting there. She ignores Damon and Stefan, the thrum leading her to a specific coffin on the right. She flings the brothers away with a flick of her wrist, walking over to the coffin and pushing the lid up. Her wolf whines, pushing the whine out through her lips at the state of her mate. 

"He's dead," Felicity sobs out, and Klaus walks over behind her. 

"Once we take the knife out, he'll wake." She goes to do so, but he stops her.

"I'm not waking my siblings up until I have that last coffin." 

"I don't have it, and you aren't getting it back." 

She turns around, growling deep. Her eyes are flashing, canines out. Caroline shrieks, flashing to a corner as Damon pushes himself in front of her. Felicity tackles Stefan, slamming herself into him and on top of a coffin labeled with a pretty little E. She pulls him up to slam him back down on the coffin, reaching over to the side to pull a stake from the ground, throwing it in the air quickly, catching it, and stabbing it into the vampire's chest, centimeter's away from his heart. The vampire screams. 

"Where is the other coffin, Stefan?" She growls out, wolf venom starting to leak out of her mouth and dripping onto the vampire's clothes. She can barely hear Damon and Caroline's yells for her to stop, but she can feel Klaus' proud body behind her, not stopping her in the slightest. Waiting to see how far she'll go. 

She pushes the stake further into him. Grazing his heart. He screams again. 

"Alright," Klaus says, pulling the stake out despite Felicity's scream-growl and yanking her off of Stefan. Felicity bites down hard on Klaus, and he throws her into the wall. She flings herself right back up, flying back towards Klaus, who snaps her neck. She falls to the ground. He goes and closes the coffin she opened. 

"Well, there's that." 


this story has been updated to MATURE. please react accordingly ;)

i wrote out the claiming scene and it's 🥵

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