Chapter 6

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Third Person Pov:

"I'm in you see my camera?" Cade asked through the speaker. An illusion screen popped up in front SilverTail and there she saw, Ratchets head being melted. "They're melting Ratchet " Cade said. Optimus and SilverTail got angered by this and transformed. "They slaughtered Ratchet!" They both yelled in sync as they both punched a light post. "I'm gonna rip them all apart piece by piece!" SilverTail growled feeling her Optics turn red. "After all we did for the humans! Optimus sacrificed his life for them! We lost team mates for them! We lost our whole planet! Our home! And yet we protect them and their home! Who's even on our side anymore! They knew the decepticons were after them! And we protected them! For what now! What are we even fighting for" SilverTail said as she bursted out into tears and fell to the ground. They killed Ratchet, they killed their friends, they killed their family. Optimus put a hand on SilverTail's shoulder and comforted her. SilverTail then felt like something wasn't right. "Cade's in trouble, he needs our help, Autobot's transform and roll out!" SilverTail exclaimed as she ran and transformed along with the others right behind her. Bee made a quick turn to quickly scan a different car. Once he came back SilverTail then told him what he's gonna do. "Bee, I want you and Drift to go and get Cade me and the others will cover for you" SilverTail said. Bee buzzed and drove ahead. Once Bee had gotten there he then let Shane and Tessa exit the car allowing Bee to drive into the building and transform with Drift right behind him. Everyone else then entered the building breaking a few walls and windows in the process. Optimus and SilverTail then started run holding their blasters loaded and ready, along with Crosshairs and Hound who were right behind them. Drift was in helicopter form and flew Bee to where Cade was at and got him to safety. Meanwhile with the others, Crosshairs got on top of a crate and started shooting his blaster. "Get out!" Optimus exclaimed. "Science fairs over meatbags!" Hound exclaimed. "Destroy the lab!" SilverTail ordered. "Destroy it all!" SilverTail exclaimed as the team started shooting and destroying every last corner of the lab. "Hey! Hey!" Exclaimed one of the scientists. "Stop! That's company property!" He yelled. "They're not your property" Optimus said. "They were our friends, our family" SilverTail said. Hound then got his blaster out. "Oh you ain't talking so much now!" Brains exclaimed. "Go ahead, show us your true colors once and for all" he said. "Just give me the word I'll splatter him" Hound said. SilverTail put her hand out as a motion to stand down. "Why don't you tell itchy fingers here, that this is all the spoils of war, dead metal" The man said. "Innovation what we do here is science" he said. "Be if we don't do it, somebody else will" he said. "Because you cannot stop technology!" He exclaimed. SilverTail growled. "We're not your technology!" SilverTail growled as her optics turned red and she kicked one of the labs devices. "Let me vaporize his ass" Hound said. "I broke the code, I own your whole genome" The man said. SilverTail and Optimus got their blast out and set one of the Sadie's in their right hand. "The world will now what your doing here" Optimus said. "The world? The world will approve we can make you now don't you get it we don't need you anymore" He said. Optimus and SilverTail just looked at the man. "That was cruel" Hound said. SilverTail huffed feeling her eyes go back to their original blue color.  "Autobot's" Optimus started. "We're done" SilverTail said. "We're done? We're not even going to kick a little bit of ass?" Brains asked. "I've been itching to kill something lately" Hound said. The team then transformed and drove away. Up ahead there was a transformer that the company had made and it seemed to be a knock off version of Optimus and SilverTail.  "Oh great, this is such a wonderful day on earth" SilverTail growled. "Optimus!" SilverTail yelled. Then both Optimus and SilverTail transformed. Optimus and SilverTail then jumped and did a 360 spin and went through a truck to grab the humans, Optimus grabbing Cade and Shane and SilverTail grabbing Tessa. "SilverTail transformed and set Tessa on the motorcycle. Although from the corner of her eye she saw small metal particles form into a truck after Bee had just shot it. "Optimus, it seems that the technology that they used to make these things is almost like ours, only that it seemed more, unbreakable I like to say" SilverTail said. "Well, that's gonna change" Optimus said. SilverTail then transformed and did a back flip and grabbed Tessa in time before she hit the ground, SilverTail then ran to Optimus and Told Tessa to get in the truck. After Tessa got in the truck SilverTail saw the knock off version of herself. SilverTail then got her battle mask on and got her blade out. "Let's roll out" SilverTail said and ran towards the twin. SilverTail punched it and kicked it but a few metal particles came off and went back onto the twin. SilverTail growled but next thing she knew she then got punched in the face. SilverTail then pinned the twin to the ground and saw the small slight hole that was in the twins chest. The hole. SilverTail then threw the twin across the area and jumped back to it. The twin the pinned SilverTail to the ground getting her claws out and ready. SilverTail then brought out one of her bombs out and shoved it in the hole that was in the twines chest. "Have fun exploding" SilverTail said as she kicked the twin off her and ran then transformed. Just then the twin exploded into nothing. Once SilverTail had caught up to Optimus she transformed and landed right next to him her blasters out and ready. Both SilverTail and Optimus then put their battle masks on. Optimus then got his blade out and started fighting Galvatron. SilverTail then tried to sneak up on Galvatron and stab in but before she could do that Galvatron punched her and then kicked Optimus away from him. "Optimus! The hole! Aim for the hole!" SilverTail called out. SilverTail then jumped back up and ran towards Galvatron. Just as Galvatron was about to stab her SilverTail grabbed his wrist and flung him away from the area. Optimus and SilverTail then ran to Galvatron. "You have no soul!" Optimus exclaimed. SilverTail then stabbed Galvatron in the hole. "That is why I have no fear" Galvatron said. He then picked up Optimus and SilverTail and threw them around. "You die!" He exclaimed. Galvatron the pinned Optimus to the ground but SilverTail got behind Galvatron and bashed his head into the ground. A missile then came by and shot both Optimus and SilverTail only letting some parts spill out. Just then there was a decepticon ship up ahead with Lockdown in front of it. Lockdown then got his blaster out and shot Optimus and SilverTail. Optimus and SilverTail grunted as they both tried to get up. "We can't get out of here" SilverTail said. "I feel sorry for you two Prime's, your guys allegiances to these humans" Lockdown said. "The trouble with loyalty to cause, is that the cause will always betray you" Lockdown said. "Who sent you here" SilverTail growled. "Where do you think you both came from" Lockdown scoffed. "You think you were born, No you both were built and your creators want you back, we all work for someone" Lockdown said. A jet then came by and captured both Optimus and SilverTail along with the car that had Tessa inside it. Cade then jumped on the net trying to save his daughter. But Cade couldn't hold on any loner and he let go. "Cade! Warn the Autobot's!" SilverTail yelled. And then that was it, Cade lost his daughter due to a decepticon and this might be the end of Optimus and Silvertail Prime.

Transformers vol. 4 Age Of ExtinctionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon