Chapter 1

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Third Person Pov:

This new story takes place in Texas in the U.S, With just an ordinary Man who created inventions and shit. And he discovered a young women by the name of Silver Harper Jacobs, he saw that the young female had no where to go so he took her and raised her as his own. But it was more like Silver had discovered the man known as Cade, what Cade doesn't know is that she's the one and only SilverTail Prime, one of the Autobot's mightiest leader who fought alongside Optimus Prime. Cade was just driving to a small junk yard to go and get some stuff for his inventions and all that, but Silver then felt an odd sensation feeling. Silver then felt the slight presence of Optimus and knew he was somewhere. Silver who was in the back of the truck then used her powers to stop the truck In it's tracks. "Silv, are you kidding me, what is it no-" Cade was then cut off by Silver placing her hands near Cade's head, without touching Cades head Silver then slightly moved around her fingers feeling her eyes glow blue and seeing the black dark mist form around her hands to Cade's head. Cade looked like he was getting zoned out. "You, will forget that I ever existed" Silver whispered. "I'm sorry Cade, but Prime is somewhere out there" Silver thought. Silver then put her hands down and teleported away from the area. Cade shook his head and closed the trucks door and drove away. Silver watched as the truck drove away into the distance. Silver then sighed and closed her eyes trying to track down Optimus. Silver closed her eyes and looked everywhere, then she came across a junk yard and there he was. Optimus Prime. He was in very bad shape and started forming some rust, getting dusty and he wasn't in good condition at the moment. Like Silver was any better. Turns out after awhile of being away from the Autobot's for awhile she herself started growing rust, got dusty and everyday it got worse and worse causing slight dirt marks to appear on Silver's human wolf like form. Silver then ran into the field that was right behind her. After she had gotten deep into the field Silver looked around the area making sure no one was there. Once Silver knew that no one was there she then transformed into her cybertronian form. And let's just say, it was pretty bad she didn't look like her original self. SilverTail then transformed into her motorcycle form and drove away.

*Slight Time skip*

After awhile of driving turns out it was the junk yard Cade was going to. Silver then drove inside a slightly broken down building and drove inside it for awhile trying to track down Optimus. After a small while of looking SilverTail then came across a very broken down truck and it looked just like Optimus. Gosh he looked ever worse up close, both SilverTail and Optimus seem to be in pretty bad conditioning. "Opt, what happened to you ever since the last mission" SilverTail whispered. SilverTail then heard slight footsteps coming from the distance. Silver then drove right next to Optimus and just stood still then and there. Then that's when Cade had finally came across the broken down truck and the broken down Motorcycle. Cade approached the motorcycle first but the moment he tried to sit on it the motorcycle it looked like it was almost about to completely fall apart. Cade then got off the Motorcycle then approached the truck but the moment he even got in the truck it then slightly shook. Cade then opened the trucks door to then see metal and pipes fall out of the truck and onto the floor. "Mortar Shells?" Case mumbled as he grabbed a pipe. "The hell happened to you two" Cade mumbled as he looked at the truck and the Motorcycle. "Don't know, we just ended up like this I suppose" SilverTail thought. Case then walked away and de to talk to the owner. "Hey Snakeballs, how much for the truck and motorcycle" Cade asked. "Truck?" Asked the old man. Although after awhile Cade had then gotten the truck and the motorcycle. The truck was getting toed in by another truck and the motorcycle was in the back of Cades truck. After we had reached our destination Cade then exited his truck. "All the way!" Cade exclaimed as he was bringing in the truck that had the truck that Cade had bought. "A truck!" Exclaimed Tessa. "Nope.... also a motorcycle" Cade Corrected as he pointed towards his truck that held the motorcycle. "Dad, are you serious please don't tell me you didn't spend our money on a truck and a motorcycle" Tessa said. "Oh no, don't worry he did he spent my money, $300 of it" said Lucas as he stepped into the conversation. "As an advance of your regular pay check" said Cade. "Where's Silver?" Tessa asked. "Shit" Silver thought. "Who?" Cade asked. Tessa looked at her father as if he were crazy. "Silver, the wolf girl who we came across and decided to keep" Tessa said. "Tess, you okay? I don't know who your talking about" Cade said. Tessa just sighed. "Never mind" she mumbled. "What regular paycheck?" Lucas asked. "Which you will get back" Cade said. "When?" Asked Lucas. "Never, we're broke" Tessa said as she went back inside. "I knew it" Lucas said. "Sweetheart" Cade said as he watched Tessa go inside. "Could you please not drive away between Employer and Employee" Cade said. "Hold on I thought we were partners" Lucas said.  "Look, I came up short okay, I had to buy her a prom dress, you want me to deny her a prom dress" Cade said. "Might as well you denied her a prom date" Lucas said. "No I offered to take her and chaperone" Cade said. "Nobody wants to go to the dance with their dad, it's weird" Lucas said. "It's not the issue" Cade said. "We'll maybe it should be" Tessa said. "Hey could you guys just get off my case" Cade said. "You know what the engine on these run for, I could break them down and strip them for parts" Cade said. "And sweetheart, your shorts are shrinking by the second okay" Cade said. "Cold water, air dry please" Cade said. Tessa just sighed and walked away. "I think she looks hot" Lucas said. "What did you just say?" Cade asked. "Like a hot teen, Silver was also pretty hot not gonna lie" Lucas said. "Oh it's the teenager thing that makes it better, okay thank you, and who the hell is Silver. I don't know who the heck that is" Cade said. "It didn't sound like what it meant, and also you don't remember Silver?" Lucas asked. "No, I don't know who that is!?" Cade exclaimed. "Okay, gosh" Lucas said then walked away. Cade then brought the motorcycle and the truck inside the garage along with Lucas right behind him. "That goes by the circuit boards" Cade said. "Put the zeiss lenses over there" Cade said. "Dad please you can't keep spending money on junk, just so you can turn it into different junk" Tessa said. "We do not use the J word in here, that is super a simplex theater projector it's super rare, what about the smilepilot" Cade asked. "That I invented simply ahead of their time" Cade said. "Yeah, like the alleged guard Dog" Lucas said. "Your gonna get him upset" Cade said as the robot dog started barking. "Hey Cade, Cade! This thing still work?" Lucas asked as he grabbed a remote. No, Yes" Both Tessa and Cade said in sync. "Yes, and still groundbreaking" Cade said. "Go back there and lay on the recliner, and just wait for a cold one" Cade said. Lucas then walked up to something and punched it. "Dude stop breaking stuff" Cade said. "Final notice, Late notice, past due" Tessa said as she put down a stack of billing papers. "Come on, Come on bring daddy the alcohol come on" Lucas said as he looked at a small bot. "I mean, what is all this crap people send you" Tessa said. "That's a discman and that's an 8-track tape" Cade said. "Music" Cade said. "Never heard of it" Tessa said. "Look, I fix that it's $100, I fix that it's $250, I would've been able to fix that if you hadn't broke it even more, it would've been $20" Cade said. "This stuff is gonna be what puts you through college, as long as you land one of those scholarships" Cade said. "What's the estimated time of arrival, average?" Asked Lucas. "Wait so it just brings the beer near you?" Lucas asked. "That's the trick?" Lucas asked. Cade sighed. "It's gotta couple kinks man" Cade said. "Yeah" Lucas said. "Dad, you think maybe some things should never be invented?" Tessa asked. "No I don't, that's backwards thinking" Cade said. "This is a temple of technology, you guys are standing in a holy place" Cade said. "Purple people eaters back, and she looks hungry" Cade said as he got his bat and walked outside. "Hey you!" Cade yelled as she looked at the sails lady. "Hey!" Cade exclaimed. "I own this house! It's not for sale" Cade yelled. "Six months late of payment, Mr. Yeager, and I see you stealing power at the pole" the sails lady said. "Hey that's not your concern, sir do you wanna see the property" Cade asked. "Sure" the man said. "I'd be more than happy to give you a tour, I'll show you three other buyers I got buried in the back, then I'll crack your head open like an egg!" Cade said as he raised his bat up. "Stay back he's crazy!" The lady exclaimed. "I told you not to come back here anymore" Cade said. "I will have my brother come back and beat your ass!" The lady yelled. "Don't you start with me" The lady said. "And I'll bring the police when you come back too!" Cade yelled. "My brother ain't no joke!" The lady yelled. "Who!? Darry! You bring his fucking ass here the only thing he's gonna be getting his a nice bullet in the head!" A women with dusty blonde hair said coming out with a gun in her hands, but what Cade or anyone else didn't know was that was actually Silver but it was an illusion that the real Silver had sent. The lady yelled in fright and drove away. Before Cade could look at the woman who had just saved his life, she was gone. "Cade relax your going to have a aortic infarction" Lucas said. "What is that?" Cade asked. "I think it's a brain heart attack" Lucas said. "Oh I've had one already" Cade said. "So we're stealing power" Tessa asked. "No, we're borrowing it from the neighbors" Cade said. "Great that's awesome" Tessa said sarcastically. "Once I graduate, and I'm gone who's gonna take care of you" Tessa asked. "Oh you take care of me?" Cade asked. "Who taught you how to solder a circuit, or write a program, or French braid your hair, or throw a spiral. Me, that's what I do" Cade said. "Who taught you how to cook without ketchup, or balance your check book" Tessa said. "Who always has to be the grown up here" Tessa asked. "Alright, you got a point okay, but that means we're a great team. And I know it's been sucky around here lately, but we're gonna be fine here sweetie" Cade said. "You just gotta keep believing okay, I mean that's what great inventors do, I promise you one day, I'm gonna build something that matters" Cade said. "I believe you dad" Tessa said. "You know your mom would be very proud of you" Cade said. Tessa nodded with a smile. "It's going to be okay" Cade said then walked away.

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