Chapter 4

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Third Person Pov:

After patrolling around the area, everyone was now free to go. Cade and Tessa entered the truck but Shane Tessa's boyfriend was told to go with SilverTail. Shane just obeyed orders and got on SilverTail. Then both Optimus and SilverTail drove off. "Calling all Autobot's" SilverTail said. "Calling all Autobot's" Optimus said. Optimus and Silvertail then happened to pass by a truck and a motorcycle. Optimus scanned the truck while SilverTail scanned the motorcycle. SilverTail then felt herself boost up a bit and she felt taller and stronger. The rust that she had then chipped off showing a nice greenish blue color. And Optimus he for sure got a total upgrade. "Whoa! What was that! Whatever that was that was awesome!" Shane happily exclaimed. "Yeah, now why don't you kinda just shut up in the process before I go deaf" SilverTail said. "Right, sorry" Shane apologized. SilverTail felt relieved and happy, she was going to see the team again after all this time of being separated.  SilverTail then heard from the distance hearing the words of, "They're back!" And "they're alive! Optimus and SilverTail are here!" As they were driving SilverTail then saw Drift up from the distance. "At last, there is hope after all" Drift said as he jumped off the rock and transformed into a helicopter. "Ah haha yeah!" Exclaimed Crosshairs. SilverTail then made a stop allowing Shane to hop off and allowing her to transform. "Been awhile, my lady~" Crosshairs purred as he grabbed SilverTail's hand and kissed it. SilverTail rolled her optics and pulled her hand away. "Missed you too Cross" SilverTail said. "Look at that, Mr and Mrs. leader of the free galaxy are back" Crosshairs said as Optimus made a stop. "I knew you'd two would make it, I'd never doubt" Crosshairs said. Drift then appeared out of no where. "We've got your guys warning, we've been waiting" Drift said. "Heel yeah, boom time" Said Hound. "We got the gang back together" Hound said. "Damn right we do" SilverTail said as she looked at Hound. SilverTail then saw a specific Yellow and Black Camaro from the distance. Once the Camaro was fully Transformed SilverTail gasped happily. "Bee!" SilverTail exclaimed as she ran to Bee and hugged him. Bee was shocked by the sudden emotion but Buzzed a chuckle and noticed that she had gotten taller. Way taller. Let's just say she reached up to about Optimus's waist. SilverTail then walked back towards Optimus and watched as he transformed. "Humans have asked us to play by their rules" Optimus said. "Well, the rules have just changed" SilverTail said. "Human beings, bunch of back stabbing weasels" Hound said.  "Hound, find your inner compass" Said Drift. "Loyalty is but a flower, in the winds of fear and temptation" Said Drift. "You sure that flower isn't this beautiful Femme right next to Optimus" Crosshairs said as he pointed towards SilverTail and winked. SilverTail just sighed and huffed. Just then a small Art then broke out. "This is for sure a way to have a reunion" SilverTail said as she face palmed. Just then Drift then held a blade towards Hounds neck. "Hey, Hey! You two watch it" SilverTail growled. "Sorry SilverTail" Drift said as he pulled his blade away from Hound and did a half bow to her. "You know what it'll save us so much time" Bee said as he classical spoke through the radio. "We'll raise your hand m if your throughly disenchanted with our pleasant earth vacation, so who's  the  Stowaways" Crosshairs asked as he got his gun out. "Oh who, hey what's with the gun" Cade asked. "Cross stop! Hound you too all of you" SilverTail growled. "They've risked their lives for ours" Optimus said. "We owe them" SilverTail said. "So there's been no sign of any others" SilverTail asked. "Nada" Hound said. "We are all that's left" Drift said. "They're picking us off, one by one" Crosshairs said. "We're the pathetic dirty foursome, and you two make six" Hound said. "I mean I would I d getting dirty with a specific Femme" Crosshairs smirked looking at SilverTail. "Not right now Cross" SilverTail growled. "Sensi's, with your guys fate unknown, Bumblebee has held command, despite his complete total lack of anything, resembling warrior discipline" Drift said. "He's like a child" Drift said. "This child is about to kick your ass" Bee said. "He brings us shame" Drift said. Bee then attacked Drift Then Drift flipped Bee around and Deift pointed his blade towards Bee's neck. "Am I lone sage, who see's through those puppy dog eyes" Drift said. "Yes I've been waiting for all them to dispatch each other so I could take charge with no trouble at all, and fight alongside SilverTail" Crosshairs Smirked. SilverTail growled and punched Crosshairs and jumped into the fight with Bee and Drift. SilverTail then broke the two apart and kicked Drift away from Bee and front flipped in front of Drift and pointed her sword towards Drift's neck. "Talk to Bee like that ever again, I may not hesitate" Silver growled as her optics flickered blue and red then back to blue. SilverTail looked at Drift and with one last growl walked away. "We'll sure looks like you two have been missed" Cade said as he looked towards Optimus and Silvertail. "And it seems like Opt is okay with his team mates fighting to the death, and he's such a nice helper who helped me break apart Bee's and Drifts stupid fucking argument over Bee taking in command" SilverTail said. "Oh please, stop being a sparkling SilverTail" Optimus said. "Oh, I'm a sparkling! What we gonna go right here right fucking now!" SilverTail yelled as she got her blade and blaster out. "Then let's do this!" Optimus yelled. Optimus then jumped on SilverTail and SilverTail kicked him off and shot him but he dodged. Before things could get worse Bee grabbed SilverTail and pulled her away from Optimus and Drift grabbed Optimus and pulled him away from SilverTail. SilverTail just sighed and looked at her fellow team. "Autobot's, Lockdown is hunting us down and humans are helping we need to know why" SilverTail said. "We'll listen I don't know why, but I have an idea about who" Cade said. Cade then played a recording of a few of the Autobot's deaths all due to the humans. "This drone I had stolen recorded the footage of an Autobot raid" Cade said. And Sadly they had gotten Ratchet. "It's in pieces but watch what happens here" Cade said. "Oh that's Leadfoot" Hound said. "They rip him apart" Cade said. "Savages" Hound said. "And later this trucks comes over to haul them off" Cade said. "No way to get inside without a battle" Hound said. "Well, what if you had some human help" Cade said. "What are you three, partners now" Tessa asked. "Sweetie, we're targets now too, we need to know why or we'll never get our lives back" Cade said. "Autobot's" Optimus said. "We have sworn, to never kill humans" SilverTail said. "Big mistake" Hound said. "But when we find out who's behind this" Optimus said. "He's going to die" SilverTail said. Hound cheered.

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