It stopped right in front of me.

"Wow karma, it's a dare for you now since you picked truth earlier right?" Jungeun said with a teasing grin.

"Yeah whatever" I replied

"Hmm who's not yet paired with someone. Heejin with Hyunjin, Yves and Chuu, Gowon and Hyeju, me and Jinsoul"

"Wow what a spirit!" Yves teased.

"Shut up"

"So what's the dare?! Come on class will start soon"

"Oh right, I dare you to walk hand in hand with Vivi until Friday every time we go out!." Jungeun said in a very fast speed since our professor is coming.

"What dude, it'll be awkward! Change it!" I semi shouted

"Ya Kim Jungeun why am I included?!" Vivi semi shouted too

"We don't have time! Let's study! Dare is a dare"

And that's when our professor is finally in front of our class.

It'll be so awkward.

I swear to God Kim Jungeun, I'll kill you.

Hyunjin's POV

I heard Jinsoul and Jungeun's conversation about going out later after school.

Why did even Jinsoul joked about it being a date? Is she that oblivious to not even feel that Jungeun likes her? How dumb.



"Is it fine that I said yes to Jungeun"

"Huh? Why would you ask me that? It's completely your choice."

"Nothing, just yeah nothing right." Jinsoul just flashed a small smile and looked away

I don't know why she's asking me when she already said yes. No I mean why is she even asking me about her going out with Jungeun?

It's not like we're couples.


Why am I even thinking of it like that?

Maybe she just want my feedback as her friend.

"Hey Soul! It's fine, have fun." I'm confused but I just reassured her that it's fine for me.

Vivi's POV

It's lunch time now and Hyunjin agreed to eat with us because of Jungeun's dare to Haseul.

Why am I even included in this? It's not that I'm the one who got chosen to be dared.

"Ya Jo Haseul! Do it already!" Jungeun shouted but Haseul raised her middle finger which made everyone laugh because it's so unusual.

"Hey let's do it already. I'm hungry and they won't get going if we didn't do it" I approached since my stomach is already growling

I tried to get her hand and all I can hear right now are screams. How did they even come up with this? They're so annoying.

Haseul grabbed my hands and we walked like that until we arrived at the cafeteria.

Nothing is really special, just a dare.

Haseul's POV

Classes are done. Jinsoul and Jungeun went out to eat something, obviously.

Heejin and Gowon went to the locker room to get something and said that we can get going.

Hyunjin and Hyeju already split ways with us since they live in the same dorm.

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