Lay up with you FOREVER

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Jayden King 7am

I leave Dani's house after my shower and head over to Lyndon's "It's me open the door!" I knock twice... A whole two minutes later Lyndon comes to the door "Wake up sleepy head!" I hug her before coming in, locking the door behind myself. "I was up all night thinking, Thought I'd never see you again" Lyndon pulls me in for a long hug which we both needed. "I'm not leaving you" I say "mmm sure had me fooled..." Lyndon laughs "Babe seriously though, What is up with this Dakota girl?" I ask "She got her eyes on Takai so you don't even have to worry!" Lyndon kisses the side of my neck "Naaah cuz why she be looking at me like she wants to bend me over, I know you see the way she looks at me.." I sigh "She can look but she  isn't touching any of this!" "Oh my gosh, you horny or something?" I laugh "A little!" Lyndon laughs too. "It's too early, I'm still tired!" I head to Lyndon's bedroom, take my shoes, jeans and shirt off before laying in the bed "Who the hell were you all dressed up for though?" Lyndon pushes me back "Myself!" I bite my bottom lip "mmhmm, Liar!" Our lips connect while our eyes talk to each other *if you know what I mean* "Have you been with Takai?" She asks "No, I slept at Dani's last night, Now I am here but we got work at eleven so I am going back to sleep!" I kiss Lyndon before turning on my side "You know I got eyes for you and you only right?" She kisses my lips "I know babe..." I kiss her back.

11:30AM - Takai William

Here I am at work, again... Jayden and Dani are working the registers while I am Greeting and checking receipts "Why do you keep looking at me?" I ask Dakota "What's your zodiac?" Dakota asks "Bro leave me alone iight, I am not interested in a relationship or friendships" I say "Well when you need some head let me know!" Dakota smiles "I don't want head from you, I love someone.." I shake my head "Yea, Jayden right? She has Lyndon so that isn't going to work out for you" Dakota says and I just ignore her for the rest of the day, She keeps making little comments and compliments but I can care less about anything she has got to say to me, I love Jayden and I always will no matter what.

"Takai, Haze, Emma, and Stephanie I need you all to unload the truck, Brandon isn't in today!" Lyndon says "urghhh you know I will break a nail" Stephanie complains "Didn't nobody tell your ass to get a job that requires lifting and unloading shit!" Jayden rolls her eyes "Ugh, What's up with your sexy rude ass?" Stephanie laughs "Get to work Stephanie, I'll come help you!" Jayden laughs... I don't know if Jayden is flirting with Stephanie but I know Stephanie is flirting with Jayden and it makes my heart hurt. Jayden was supposed to be my wife but here we are... Broken up... I wonder if she is still in contact with Blue...?


Blue Kingston

I sent a text to Jayden to let her know that I still love her and am thinking about her but the message doesn't go through... I called her number but it was either disconnected or changed. "What the fuck!" I say... I go on instagram, create an account and search Jayden up, She is with either one or another women in every single picture, then she has pictures of her kids and grandkids "What the fuck!" I toss my phone on the bed before leaving for work. That shit just hurt my heart... Jayden really deleted every damn picture of us.. even the ones with me and Kaiden... My heart is heavy but I guess we all have to move on, at least that Jamaican throat sucker Takai isn't up there anymore, I hate that they work together though but I can't change that and I wouldn't want to hurt Takai because I know she went through a lot behind bars.


Dani Lexus 6pm

I left work early to meet up with my sister and father at Chili's "Daniela we know that you are having a hard time paying your rent so why don't you just move back in with us so we can take care of you?" My father suggests but just looking at him disgusts me so much "Why, huh? So you can put your dirty ass hands on me again?" I ask him "I never touched you Daniela, You made that up!" My father says "Yes you did and if I didn't tell my mother you would've raped me that night!" I say "That is not true Daniela, You need to get that out of your head... You were just so jealous of your beautiful sisters Dolorea and Echa, You wanted all the attention, all the love, and you would love me to put my hands on you!" My father licks his lips, I get up, flip the table then start attacking him. Anger takes over and I lose control over myself. "Dani stop, Dani please!" Dolorea tries to pull me off but I can't stop pounding him, I hate him, I hate what he forced me to do, "I HATE YOU! I FUCKING HATE YOU!" I yell as tears come falling out of my eyes, My father punches me in the face then gets up, Dolorea puts herself in between us so he can't hit me again, "Go Dani!" She says, I look at her before leaving the restaurant. I wipe the blood from my busted lip before heading back to work, I go in and head right to the back "Dani, Dani!" Lyndon calls out but I close the door to the restroom, My lip is fucked up but it will heal "Dani, It's Jay open the door!" I take a deep breathe before opening the door, Jayden comes in then closes and locks it. "What happened?" She asks.


Jayden King

I take napkins from the dispenser, wet them in the sink "Sit down!" I say to Dani and once she does I dab her lip with the wet napkin "I can't be here!" Dani says "Talk to me" I say while throwing the bloody napkins out and getting new ones... "I..I just want to leave" Dani says "Where to?" I ask "With you, at your crib, I can't be alone right now.. I don't trust myself!"

Once we get back to my place I park my car in the garage and we go in from there, I don't know what's wrong with Dani but I know it's not good. "You got any liquor?" She asks "No, I got water, almond milk, coffee and tea" I say "Okay never mind.." Dani goes to my room, I lock the door before going with her. "Do you want to tell me what happened now?" I sit beside her "I'm struggling with bills... I went to see my father and sister to ask for some money, before I could even ask he asked me to move back in, I said *why so you can put your dirty ass hands on me again* He denied everything, He said I made it up and that I was jealous of my sisters... *takes a deep breath* He said that I would've loved for him to put his hands on me and that is when I flipped, I started pounding him.... My sister was trying to get me off of him but I couldn't control myself, He punched me in my mouth and that's where it ended... I left. He never got the chance to rape me because I told my mother but I know he would've, he touched and rubbed on me all the time..." Dani sighs "I know you are probably mad at me for not telling you.." I cut her off "I am not mad at you at all!" I wrap my arms around her "This is why I told you I don't have anyone but you, I hate them..." Dani says "I don't blame you babe" I say... I have my own demons that I am still fighting, My own things that I went through that I never spoke about and probably never will because it still haunts me to this day. Nobody knows about the things that happened to me in my teenage years and I doubt I will ever speak on it. I kiss Dani's forehead....


Jailene Young A whole Week later

"Do you plan on talking to Cherish?" Unique asks "Nah, I don't have anything to say to her, I just want to lay up with you forever." I kiss Unique "Babe" She giggles "Ouch ouch.." "Stop laughing so you don't hurt yourself!" I say "Aren't you the one making me laugh?" She raises a brow "mmm am I now?" I place my hands on her knees and bend to kiss her "You must want some of this" Unique smiles "I want all of it, not just some" I lick my lips before laying her back gently and pulling her boxers off "Ooo" her hands go through my curls.  I start off with soft wet kisses on her thighs, inner thighs, lower stomach, I spread her lips with my fingers and suck,lick and slurp on her love spot, her soft moans fill the room, She gets real excited for me as I do for her, I love how my girl tastes... Natural... "mmm" She combs her fingers through my curly hair as I make love to her pussy, sucking and toying with her clit "Ooouuu shiiit!" She throws her head back as I push two fingers in her pussy. "I love you.." I say

The Life Of Jayden-3 (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now