Chapter Nine - Boundaries

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Celebi released her hold on the young man and began to doze, uninterested in any further discussion. Hearing that her charges weren't hurt was a relief, realizing that she probably took them a bit too far into the past to deem it safe.

They were probably worried about her capture, but there was nothing she could do about the situation at the moment. She still felt too weak to fight her way free, not having slept enough yet.

She felt her cocoon being gently set on something soft and felt her deep sleep claim her again, a single, mischievous thought crossing her mind. These arrogant humans were going to get a big surprise when she woke up at full strength...


A damp, musty smell filled the air as the three humans and their five Pokémon traversed a dark cavern. The sound of water dripping from ceiling stalactites into puddles on the stony floor echoed all around, melding with the group's steady footsteps.

Thankfully, with the help of Togekiss and Skarmory using Flash as they rode on their bipedal counterparts, the party wasn't reduced to stumbling around in the dark.

Every now and then they would encounter Zubats, Geodudes and Arons, but most would take one look at Garchomp or Aggron and make a mad dash back the way they came, crying in terror. Those that were brave enough to confront the intruders were promptly dismissed by one of Lucario's Aura Spheres.

Without Aaron and the trusty map he had brought along to guide them, Steven and Cynthia would have surely gotten lost among all the branching tunnels that the cave seemed to be strewn with.

Down one such branching tunnel to the left, Steven found himself looking longingly. "What I would give to spend a week in here with my excavation kit," he mumbled to himself, dreaming about all the precious treasures he could find.

Cynthia tipped her head curiously, her easy smile and silky voice instantly drawing his attention. "Do you think this cave matches up with one from our time? Or do you think it even still exists after so many years of seismic activity?"

"That's a good question. It probably doesn't exist, if I had to guess." Steven brought a hand to his chin in contemplation, a fascination glinting in his icy-blue eyes. "In fact, with how much the landmass has probably shifted, I doubt we're even still on the same continent as modern Johto."

They continued to debate the matter, suggesting various natural causes as well as a few odd Pokémon causes until they were forced to pause in their distracted strides.

Aaron had come to a halt in front of them, a cramped and narrow passage lay before him. "I sent Lucario to scout ahead," he said as he studied the map in his hands. "I believe this is the correct path, but..." His sentence trailed off as he regarded their large bipedal Pokémon.

"Aggron can clear a path, no problem," Steven supplied as he gave his sturdy metal dinosaur a pat. "He specializes in this sort of thing."

"The way is safe, Master," Lucario's mind voice reached them from the other side of the dark tunnel.

"Very good," Aaron replied and stepped aside to let Aggron pass.

Without needing Steven's direction, the metal beast began crushing the bedrock with his horns and claws. Before long, the small path had opened up for the group to pass through without too much trouble.

Skarmory hopped and waddled awkwardly into the tunnel to light the way, followed by the men. They were both wary of the loose gravel and debris left in Aggron's wake, causing Steven to turn back and offer a hand to Cynthia.

"Thanks Steven, but that's really not necessary," she told him belatedly, having accepted his assistance only to pull her into the haphazard tunnel. "It's just taken me a little longer to grow accustomed to not wearing heels than I imagined."

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