Chapter Six - Embark

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AN: It's the big M8 kickoff tomorrow guys! At first Iwas a bit disappointed to see the match ups, bc it's obvious (to me at least) that Steven and Cynthia are going to lose to Ash and Iris. But this could be a good thing! After they lose they'll be spectators and they better be sitting next to each other eating ice cream!

Also, I feel the need to credit an artist on Deviantart(Kawacy) for the idea of Steven having four wives due to his four rings. In the previous chapter I referenced this as a joke but I am in no way supportive of polygamy, just to be clear.


Making one more brief stop at a supply tent, Aaron handed them two bundles of various goods and traveling gear, which they had to tie and stow on Aggron and Garchomp along with their former clothes.

As they made their way through the camp towards the exit, with much less attention drawn their way, Lucario drew beside Cynthia with an intent, curious look. "Miss Cynthia, may I ask what is the purpose of those decorations in your hair?" he wondered. "Do they help you see Aura?"

"I've always wondered the same thing," Steven voiced with a smirk. He was far too handsome when he smiled like that and Cynthia couldn't banish the thought fast enough before another blush lined her visible cheek.Idly, she realized she was suddenly the same height as him, her eyes perfectly level with his, now that she wasn't wearing her heels.

"W-Well, to answer your question, Lucario, no they don't help me see Aura. I wear them because as a very young child, I grew up with an Umbreon, who was always watching over me. Although she has long since passed away,these accessories make me feel like I carry her on with me."

"That's-"Steven started but had to swallow what seemed like an emotion lump in his throat. "That's remarkable, Cynthia." He was reminded of his own Pokémon babysitter, a Houndoom, with metal-like bands around its ankles that may or may not have inspired the cuffs on his usual black overcoat.

He tried to temper his emotional response by adding bashfully, "much more respectful than my excuse for excessive rings." Although, those too may have been a subconscious choice involving Houndoom's bands.

"Hmm, so they are a memento and have no practical use for Aura," Lucario commented, sounding a little disappointed.

Steven's sudden morose countenance was not lost on Cynthia, but she let the matter drop for the moment. Sending him a simple, appreciative smile she turned back to Lucario. "No, but I can see why you would liken them to your own sensory tassels. A lot of people think I wear them to imitate my own Lucario back home..."

Steven could see her mood growing somber by the change in topic, though with his own plummeting, he could think of no words to console her. Instead,she changed the subject herself. "That reminds me. Aaron, how did you train your Lucario to speak? I know it has to do with Aura, but how exactly? And is it possible for me to train mine to do the same back home?"

Aaron seemed to think on the matter for awhile before answering. He paused just outside the camp's perimeter and raised his staff into the air,causing the metal pieces to clatter. Seconds later a giant Pidgeot swooped down from the sky and landed beside its presumed master,cooing at him affectionately.

Aaron gave the bird Pokémon a berry with one hand and a gentle pat with the other before sending it back into the air with a nod, then he turned a sidelong glance to Cynthia. "Hmm, that's a tough question. When I first found Lucario,he could already speak some, so it could be that all Lucario have this innate ability but require some sort of trigger to unlock it.But then again, each individual Pokémon is different, so I couldn't say if yours would be capable of learning it."

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