Chapter Three - History

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AN: Fun fact time! Just how tall are these characters anyway? Sadly, there is no official record for their height. The Masters game trailer shows them as the same height, however the Masters 8 lineup shows Cynthia is slightly taller. (by about two inches I think) However, she is rocking two-to-three inches of heels!

So, to simplify the matter, my deduction is that they are both around 5'7" (without the heels!) and lets just leave it at that... Now don't get me started on weight! On with the story!


"But you may call him Sir Aaron,"Lucario added to his master's introduction with a huff of pride.

"Lucario, take it easy," Aaron chided gently. "I may be newly knighted but that's no reason to flaunt the matter."

"Yes Master," Lucario replied, head bowed in deference.

Steven and Cynthia stared at the man for a moment, because he wore what seemed to both champions, a ridiculous outfit, as if it were pulled straight out of a renaissance drama.

With a spiky blue hat covering most of his unruly, dark blue hair, he wore a long black cape that nearly touched the ground. His sleeved tunic was gray and blue, as were his pants and boots. On his hands he wore blue gloves with curious pearl-like spheres equipped at the dorsal. In his right hand he held a unique pewter staff with a fist sized palegemstone fixed at the top, encircled by two metal rings from which two metal chimes also hung.

"You two look like you've had a rough day," Aaron commented, apparently having analyzed them in turn. He held up his free hand to his chest in a polite gesture. "Lucario and I hail from the kingdom of Rota and we've traveled here to serve as peacekeeping ambassadors. We might be able to help you if you don't mind telling us your situation?"

Cynthia and Steven shared a questionable look. Neither were sure if they should divulge the truth of their predicament, it being so ridiculous that it was unlikely to be believed.

"I'm concerned about our actions having adverse affects on the future,"Steven murmured to Cynthia beside him, initiating what he hoped was a private conversation, though if Aaron or Lucario could hear, it was of little consequence without proper context.

Cynthia nodded thoughtfully in return and spoke in a similar undertone. "Yes, but I doubt Celebi would have brought us here if that was a danger."

Steven nodded back. "Good point." He cast Aaron a glance. "He seems honorable enough. Do you think he'll believe the truth?"

Cynthia did the same and hummed, contemplating. "I think we need to try. If we're going to survive here then we need a guide and he seems to be offering." She gave Garchomp a sharp look when the dragon had grown offended by something Aggron did and snapped her maw at him with a hiss.

Steven nodded in silent agreement and gave Aggron a similar glare for whatever the disagreement was about.

The two had gradually leaned closer to each other in their deliberation, and to Aaron they simply looked like a young couple, dutifully discussing their future plans together. They were a curious pair, with their partner Pokémon looking over them and hanging on their every word as though the world itself hung in the balance.

He offered an amiable smile as they moved to face him again. "Have you reached an accord?"

"We have,"Steven said, glancing to Cynthia as she gestured for him to explain and introduce them properly. It didn't take nearly as long to recount their situation as he thought it would and when he finished, both Aaron and Lucario were staring back, speechless for a long moment.

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