Chapter Eight - Training

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Disclaimer: I own nothing here.

AN: This chapter gave me so much trouble! I think I had to rework it three times! It still feels klunky to me but I must move forward to save my sanity. -_-' Also, since defining clothing is not my strength, the ninja outfits are basically what Koga wears but without the greaves or the scarf. :3


"Don't we get to eat breakfast first?" Steven wanted to know, having dealt with his grumbling stomach throughout their tai chi session. He didn't think it was unreasonable to take a break and eat before the more intensive training.

Aaron made a gesture at the campfire and cooking rig, then offered up a knowing smirk. "I noticed the both of you didn't seem to care for the soup last night, so I had Lucario find some more ingredients to make it more palatable."

Abashed, Cynthia and Steven both hung their heads a little. They hadn't said anything aloud but clearly their guide had noticed their distaste for the meal.

"Don't worry about it," Aaron told them with a dismissive wave. "You come from a different time, it's only natural that your tastes would be different."

"With respect, Master," Lucario cut in, blatantly. "Last night's soup was not your best dish."

Aaron practically wilted in response. "Aww you too Lucario?"

"It is the truth, Master."

"Yes, yes," Aaron finally gave in with a sigh. "Anyway, the fresh ingredients will take some time to cook." He gave his new students an encouraging gesture. "Now begin those movements again, but with your bokkens this time."

Steven breathed out a sigh of his own but obediently moved a safe distance away. He wasn't sure how to feel about this. He had only ever practiced hand to hand combat with Brawly; this weapons training seemed a little too dangerous to him, even if it was just a wooden training sword.

At first it was tricky converting the forms into a two handed sword hold, but once they were half way through the set Steven began to grow accustomed to the new weapon, almost feeling empowered by it.

By the time they finished, however, his muscles were burning from the new exertion. With a glance at Cynthia he could see that she was just as fatigued as him, though to be fair she had been at the exercise longer.

"Amazing!" Aaron praised with a clap. "I would go so far to say that you both have the skill level of a seasoned foot soldier." He made an inward sweeping gesture with both his hands, indicating for them to face each other. "Now try sparing like that."

Startled by his suggestion, Steven and Cynthia turned to gawk at each other in obvious trepidation. They had only just started to familiarize themselves with the weapons and now he wanted them to start whacking away at each other? Certainly not!

"I'm sorry Aaron, but I'm not comfortable with that. Not yet," Steven replied with a respectful dip of his head. Out of his peripheral he could see Cynthia nodding her agreement.

"Hm, very well," Aaron conceded and stepped forward to take their bokkens." How about sparing without the weapons then?"

To that suggestion Cynthia merely tipped her head in what appeared to be deliberation, but Steven felt his heart rate surge in response. Hand to hand combat training with Cynthia? That was not an option.

For one thing he was positive he would get trounced, considering how rusty he had become at the art. For another, it went against his morals about invading a woman's personal space, despite that being the very nature of a spar.

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