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"I will tell you!! Please stop" Kija begged. Kija had a swollen face with one eye almost crushed and two fingers with broken bones and a blood bag attached to him so that he won't die due to blood loss.

"Tell" Yoongi sat back on his chair.

"I searched about him at first, you know right I was involved in the underworld, right?" Yoongi nodded "I heard his name once and his actions picked my interest especially after knowing that he hates Jung Hoseok too"

In the CCTV room,

"What did I ever do to him?!" Hoseok asked.

"Who knows? Ask him" Jennie said.

"I will!! But after Yoongi finishes his work. Btw can I ask him to join my mafia?"

"Ask him, if he agrees then sure" Namjoon replied.

With Yoongi and Kija,

"Is your hate for Jung Hoseok important in this story?" Kija shook his head "Then continue"

"I joined his gang from below and slowly reached a little higher level then I found out his lust for males and how he needed more boy toys"

"So, you decided to sell me to him because of that," Kija nodded. Yoongi huffed "Continue"

"The day you ran away was the day I was going to sell you to him but it got postponed because your fucking little ran away" Yoongi slapped him.

"Don't curse that my little!!" he stabbed his thighs once again, in the same place earning an even louder scream from him.

"Then the day you came back, I sold you to his father" Yoongi frowned.

"What was his name?!"

"Kang Minho"

"Kang Minho is the son of Jung Minato?"Yoongi asked and Kija nodded "You are not getting food for two days, only liquid. I mean I still need you alive" Yoongi got up and walked to the door.

"Why did you kill eomma and appa?" Kija asked.

"You will know one day" Yoongi went out and instructed someone to call a doctor for him as he went to the CCTV room.

He opened the door and leaned on the door. Everyone turned to him.

"Why would he want you?!" Hoseok asked.

"Because he wanted a boytoy and my brother offered him, me"

"But why would your brother do that?!" Namjoon asked.

"Because I killed our parents" Yoongi shrugged. Everyone gasped.

"He was telling the truth?!" Jin asked.

"He is an asshole but he never lies," Yoongi said.

"Why would you do that?" Hoseok asked.

"That's for you to find and till then if you want to hate me, then sure you are welcomed too" Yoongi shrugged and left.

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