1|Reborn To The Potters

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There was a sudden banging on the door. He sighed and opened the wards. The man smiled as ten people wearing hoods to hide their faces pointed their wands at him.

"You won't get out of here at any cost. We have people surrounding the house", one of them smirked.

"I could take out all of you single-handedly", the man says easily.

"We won't leave you, we are more than you can imagine", they grinned wickedly.

He smiled and said, "My time is up. Avada Kedavera".

And succumbed into darkness with their widened eyes as his last memory of the corporeal world.


Everything went black. Then, as Harry opened his eyes, he saw a mesmerizing forest- lush green grass, tall trees and a bridge. He looked around and saw a figure standing. He was wearing a black cloak and holding a scythe.

"Hello, my master", Death greeted.

"My dear Death", Harry sighed.

"Ah! Just like dear Ignotus. Mind you, he didn't even seemed frantic or anything, just like you," Death said, reminiscing.

"Look at me. This is my third impact with a killing curse", they both chuckled.

"So... um... fate wanted to meet the one who, and I quote, 'finally managed to put a leash around me'. Let's see... oh no!" Death gasped.

"What", Harry asked.

"Fate is bringing Beauty and Time with her. The poor deities, I pity them. Only Destiny is able to handle Fate and she is usually very busy", Death informed.

"Ah! Here you are- Death. I was beginning to think that you deliberately brought your young master here- to avoid me", Fate gave a mischievous grin.

The other two deities Fate had dragged along sighed. This was common. Whenever Fate found someone interesting, the deity would drag them along as well.

"So, young Master, what do you want to do now? Move to the afterlife and take up the mantle of my Master, be reborn as someone else with no memories of your previous life or re-do your life as you want", Death asked , ticking off fingers- which were actually just bones.

"Well, I would like to live my life the way I want. I, of course, have some demands. I want my parents to live, I want to have sibling- a younger brother, maybe, and want to obtain all of my important memories slowly- oh and add changing my name to something more worthy and noble", Harry said with a thoughtful frown.

"Ah... I would enjoy messing with your life, dear Hadrian", Fate added mischievously.

Fate had tried to change his destiny- pun intended- by making him fall for someone 'forbidden' but that damned stickler for rules Destiny had noticed it and got it back on course.

"And I would like a new experiment person for myself- after all- one gets bored after designing blondes with blue eyes for a long time", Beauty said thoughtfully.

"I am already allowing you to go back and keep your memories. What else do you want", Time said gruffly.

"Now, if all of you are done speaking- may I", Death demanded.

The others nodded. "Well, Master, you see, everything has a price and so will having your parents alive and an extra life (your sibling)", Death explained.

Harry nodded, comprehending all of it. "I am willing to pay it as long as I can see my parents and have someone my age around", he smiled gently. A sight most didn't see due to his mental shields- and the fact that he didn't tend to stick around.

"There is another thing to discuss- your nature and emotions. After what you have gone through, you will need a whole new personality. So, whatever happens in the first ten years of your existence will determine it. so, basically, you will be a person with another man's memories", Fate said, for once, serious.

"Your eyes- they will be the perfect Killing Curse green. After Tom attacks, it will be the fourth AK you will be hit with. Sorry, young master, that is something not even Mother Magic can reverse", Death said sadly.

Harry sighed but nodded. He knew that some things could not be changed. He was just glad that he was at least getting this amazing chance.

"I am ready to go back to the land of living", Harry said, determined.


James bit back another scream as Lily crushed his hand. Truth be told, he was trying to divert his attention to trivial matters so he didn't feel so nervous about being a dad. "Come on, Lily, honey you can do this. You've dueled so many Death Eaters, this is nothing compared- AAAAHHHH", James shrieked as Lily crushed his hand again.

"James Fleamont Potter! I will MURDER you if do NOT SHUT UP this instant", Lily panted. James winced. Lily could be lying on a fucking bed and scare the shit out of him. Wow!

He hoped Padfoot didn't hear him or he'd never hear the end of it.

An hour later, a small whimper was heard and slowly it turned to soft crying.

A boy was born- confused, scared and unsettled. He had luscious raven locks, glowing green, jade eyes which were much more intelligent and observant than they should be. His lips were full, plump and cherry red. Lastly, were his small stature which seemed to be able to fit in just an arm and perfect pale porcelain skin that might shine under moonlight. He looked like an angel. (who might even fall to the temptations of devil)

"Aw, my baby. My dear dear baby", Lily cooed and smiled softly. 

"Lils, can-can I jus-just hold him once", James asked nervously. Lily, carefully handed over her baby boy, over to James.

Suddenly, the door flew open and Sirius barged in. "Oh!... OH! Oh Merlin, That tiny little thing- sorry- midget's my godson! He's so cute", he gushed.

"Yes Padfoot, he is your godson", James laughed. "I wanna hold him. Please, please, pretty please...", Sirius begged to Lily, who gave a resigned sigh and nodded. 

"You know, I think, you should be the one naming him. You were the one who convinced me to try to act mature", James winked. Sirius looked taken aback but nodded.

"I am honoured to say that my godson will be named 'Hadrian Renee Mortem Potter'. Hadrian, after a noble and just ruler. Renee, as his eyes seem to be that of hundreds of years rather than a new born. Mortem, for he can easily pierce someone with those Killing curse eyes", Sirius said, oddly thoughtful.

James' and Lily's mouths were on the ground with from how much thought Sirius had put behind this.

Of course, the fact that Sirius had grown up in a pure-blood household and Fate was given full permission to mess with Harry's life were huge contributers to this name.

A/N: Please vote and review this chapter. It's my first story which I'm planning not to delete. ;) (1100 words, excluding A/N)

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