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Harry gave a confused look at Ursula, Zander, Ed and Dr Z.

Harry: "Was putting a radish in your soup that important?"

Dr Z: "It has nothing to do with that. Do you remember when we went to the Cretaceous period on the ship?"

Harry: "Uh huh."

Dr Z: "Then do you remember when we successfully turned the dinosaurs into cards in order to start my dinosaur kingdom?"

Harry: "Uh huh."

Dr Z: "Then do you remember the crash that-"

Harry: "Dr Z I was literally there when it all happened." He said cutting the trip down memory lane short.

Dr Z: "Right. *Ahem* Well, the cards I collected were suddenly launched across the earth in different locations in this time period. When we caught wind of one appearing in Japan I sent Ursula and Zander to retrieve it. And what do I get for putting my faith in them? A pair of sad dogs with their tails tucked between their legs saying that a trio of bratty kids got to the dinosaur first and used it to defeat Terry!"

Harry: "You guys lost to some kids? Look I know sometimes you can be incompetent but-"

Zander: "Hey for the record we would've won if Ed was there to help!"

Harry: "What could've Ed done to help?"

Ursula: "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...moral support?" She smiled nervously.

Ed looked disappointed for the lack of confidence his teammates gave, Dr Z looked furious and Harry stood there trying to stifle a chuckle.

Dr Z: "Do you see what I have to work with?"

Harry hummed in agreement as he looked at Dr Z's experiment, which seemed to be yet more move cards.

Harry: "The more the merrier I suppose." He said to himself as Dr Z returned to throwing a temper tantrum.

However, he noticed something in the corner of his eye. The outline of a small figure scampered about in the dark recesses of the room. Harry edged closer to the figure and it was revealed to be a chibi-sized dinosaur. A dinosaur Harry knew well. It was a carnivorous metriacanthosaurid that had a primarily gold colouring on its skin that was also accompanied with black patches on its underbelly and legs. It also had white splotches on the upper part of its body. It had long arms with three-fingered claws as well as a slim head with needle-sharp teeth. This was Shroud the Sinraptor.

Shroud glanced at Harry then continued on her merry way until she came across a cable that was pumping coolant into the tubes containing the cards to stop them overheating. She grew a mischievous smirk. Harry mouthed a serious no to the Sinraptor but it didn't discourage her and she bit the cable before pulling it out, spilling the coolant and letting the cards overheat to dangerous levels. Shroud ran away from the lab with Harry biting his nails in fear.

Harry: "You know what I'm just gonna leave. It's nearly Maisie's bedtime and you know how she gets without her nightlight! Hehehe."

Harry addressed to everyone before quickly making a move out of the lab.

Harry: *Mutter under breath* "Not that she's gonna need one in a second."

As he was leaving he silently gestured to Rod and Laura that the fireworks were about to begin, causing them to back away as well.

Laura: "Ok grandpa, I've got some work to do."

Rod: "Me too."

The three stooges also looked at the experiment and realised it was going awry. So they came up with excuses of their own.

Ursula: "Hey I think I hear Seth calling!"

Zander: "And I hear my mother calling!"

Ed: "And I hear nature calling!"


The trio immediately paused in their tracks.

Dr Z: "You'll stay right here until my experiment is complete!"

The trio groaned in anticipation for the pain as Dr Z smiled evilly at his experiment despite it threatening to literally blow up in his face.

Dr Z: "Which should be any moment now. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

The tubes then exploded with the force of a hundred grenades, unleashing a tsunami of fire and electricity around the area that disintegrated the lab, shook the very core of the entire island, and smouldered the four fools to an immense degree.

A/N: (Ha! Get it?)

The worst was yet to come however as standing over the burnt remains of the lab, the trio and Dr Z was none other than Helga.

Helga: "I would like to speak with you in private Dr Z!"

Dr Z suddenly shivered from the cold stare of the muscular maid.

Helga: "But in the meantime I would like to see this mess cleaned up by dinner time or there will be no dinner time!"

Dr Z slouched forward in defeat. He couldn't stand up to Helga even if he tried. But his luck would soon turn around as he suddenly heard the unmistakable beeping of the Alpha scanner. It could only mean one thing. He rushed to the bodies of his minions and lifted Zander's lanky charred body off the ground to reveal a bartered and bruised Alpha scanner. But it was still working and it revealed that a new dinosaur had appeared in Egypt. His grin grew to an impossible width.

Dr Z: "This time we'll win!"

The True Dinosaur KingTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang