Chapter 10- The Beginning

Start from the beginning

" Then what is it ? " Steve looked at his face

" Come on!! look at her ! She is cute, I like her smile but she is way out of my league. " Wayne replied

" What do you mean ? " Asked Steve

" Well mainly she is a scientist and I'm a janitor. And she is extremely beautiful. Hot as fuck. " Wayne replied. " And look at me...!! "

He got up from that chair " look at me, do I look hot ? I look like a sack of rice. Looks like I'm 5, 6 months pregnant. You think she will date someone like me ? " asked Wayne

" Well it's true!! You look like a sack of rice, never noticed that " Said Steve with a laugh.

" Yeah whatever dude " Wayne replied

" Hey it's not always about how you look, you have a great personality."

" Sure, you forgot about my past ? " Asked Wayne

" No, but you are not that guy anymore. You are funny, always happy, a really positive guy. If I was attracted to guys I will definitely date you " said Steve

Wayne laughed after hearing it "even so, it's nearly impossible. She works at lab 7. They don't even talk to anyone. They always keeps thier contacts to minimum."

" Yeah that's true " said Steve and after a pause he continued " what is in there ? "

" Aliens " said Wayne sarcastically

" What if they are making some kind of weapons. Weapons of mass destruction ? " Asked Steve

" Maybe or maybe not. But I like my theory. " Wayne replied

" We shouldn't talk about it much because they are probably listening " Said steve while looking at the security camera " Well why do we care ?? our contract ends in 3 months. I can't wait to go out from this shit hole. "  he continued

" Can you believe that we spent last 2 years here? Without any contact to the outside world. " Said Wayne

" Yeah 2 fucking years!! I miss the sun, trees, wind and especially whiskey." Steve replied

" So what is your plan when we leave here after three months ? " asked Steve " We are free. No more jail time as long as we keep our mouths shut. "

" Well I haven't really thought about it, I need to find another job. " said Wayne

" You can always ask me. " said Steve

" I know...., but you already done too much for me. I owe you big time. I really don't want to be a pain in the ass. " said Wayne

" Mm well ok... Anyway I'm done. I'm going to the gym later, wanna join me ? " Asked Steve

" No I'm going to my room. Probably watch some movie. "  Wayne replied

" And you complain about looking like a sack.  " said Steve

Wayne laughed. They both finished eating.

" Pay the bill, you said you owe me too much. " said Steve with a laugh and walked away

" I forgot my card. " Wayne shouted, Steve pretended not to hear and walked away.

" Hey Sanjay can you give me 5 minutes, I forgot my card. " Wayne asked the cashier

" It's fine, you can pay later.  " the cashier replied

" Thanks man, appreciate it." Wayne replied

Then he went back to his room. Watched a movie, ate his lunch then went for a walk.

The place was enormous, an underground city. It had everything ;apartments, restaurants, movie theatres, swimming pools, tennis courts, basketball courts, a small football ground, even a park with real trees. All of them were empty.

He still has two hours and fifteen minutes to kill, it's only 2.45 pm. He returned to his room and after setting the alarm, took a nap.

He woke to the sound of the alarm, it's 4.45 pm. He got dressed, put on his uniform, then went to pick up the mop and the trolley. It will take about 3 hours to clean the entire section assigned to him. He must then take all of the lab equipment for cleaning. He typically stays there till 10 at night.

He waited there until everyone left. It's 5.00 pm, he saw peoples coming out from their labs and offices. He looked at the elevator, it's still closed. After about 20 minutes the place becomes empty. But he didn't see anyone coming out from the lab 7 elevator. They probably working late, he thought. Then he continued his work.

He's finished mopping the floor, and it's already eight o'clock. Now it's time to pick up lab equipments for cleaning. Everything that needs to be cleaned should be put in a box by the lab workers, placed on the table, and then he take it to the cleaning room. Wayne needs to collect boxes from 3 different labs. He went to lab one. While picking up things, he heard peoples talking. He saw few peoples coming out from the lab 7 elevator through the window. He walked towards the door and pretend to clean the floors.

He saw Emily among them. She was talking to one of her colleagues. He looked at her. But she didn't notice him. For a moment he felt disappointed. It is what it is..., he murmured to himself. He continued his work.

After cleaning the floor he went to pick up lab equipments. There are several different boxes with equipments, all of them are color codes
Equipments in Green box- normal wash with detergent
Equipments in Blue box - clean with special liquid and then wash it in water
Equipments in Red box - clean with special liquid and needs to put them in boiling water for 45 minutes.And he needs to wear gloves and mask while handling them. It's not his duty to clean the equipments, another crew does it.

He headed to the cleaning room after gathering the boxes from all three labs. It wasn't just him. Along with him, there were Steve, Chris, Kevin, and Clara. Everybody was waiting there. They had to return everything they had brought to its original location after cleaning it. He went to his friends after handing over the boxes.

" You are 10 minutes late " said Steve

" So ?.. " Wayne looked at Stev

" Where were you? " Steve asked another question

" Nowhere, It took 10 minutes more than usual to complete the work today. What's wrong with that now ? And look who is talking, you are always late. " Wayne replied

" Ok, ok.. " said Steve

They remained there for around an hour and a half. They then returned all of the cleaned equipments back to the labs. At 9.50 pm, they all gathered in front of the cafe. They chatted with each other, ate dinner. Eventually they all went back to their rooms

Wayne took a bath and Played couple of games in his gaming device and went to sleep.

End Of The BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now