Diary Exchange, losers|2

305 6 5

Word count- 4411
Genre(s)- Yandere, angst
Trigger warning(s)- Obsessive behaviour, self-harm, mentions of suicide, manipulation and strong language.
Inspired by- 'Obsessive Love, Utsuro's story by Yanase Games, Inc.'

Summary- Motoyasu wanted to be popular- to rise to the top and overall wanted someone to date. So, he chose one of the most popular kids, Naofumi Iwatani. The other gladly accepted his confession...And they were high school sweethearts. They did sweet Diary exchanges and Naofumi gave him a warm smile each morning... But he hid a dark secret.



otoyasu had always needed someone to give him a decent reputation. Sure, he was pretty, working on his looks and trying to become more confident, but it was hard watching as all the popular kids huddled in
a corner of the room while he drew for tailor designs in his seat.

He'd take anyone.

There was one day when he decided he'd ask out the most popular in the group. Naofumi should've been ignored and alone, but the boy just happened to speak to the right person and now he was one of the most popular among the school. He was plain but still somehow cute. He had grades above average, had some of the most entertaining hobbies and easily lent a hand to people. He was easy to get to know.

Motoyasu wanted to ask Naofumi Iwatani out. He was a grade younger, but Motoyasu knew there were many couples of different ages here. Hey, some students went as far as to date a teacher.

Motoyasu waited back behind the school, hands on hips and his head tilted towards the sky that gave him a promising sunset. Although he didn't quite know his own feelings, he felt the need to confess to Iwatani. Although maybe this wouldn't last forever, he needed a date and a ride to the top.

He could already see girls give him flirtatious eyes from his desk. He must've been doing something right.

He heard a gate nearby open, and soon enough the familiar *TAP* of the school shoes. A body emerged from behind the wall. A kind, welcoming male stood before him with tainted cheeks. It was as if he adored seeing Motoyasu. Motoyasu took in a sharp breath. There was no knowing there was a chance until he asked.

"Hey, Iwatani," Motoyasu hummed, keeping the anxious rattle of his lungs in his chest.

"Hey, Kitamura~! So, what was the reason for calling me here? Usually, this is where students confess," Naofumi snickered. His loving green eyes gave Motoyasu a fluctuating look, hair fluffy and soft enough to cover for his innocence.

"Heh- well yeah, about that..." Motoyasu began, lightly clearing his throat. "I haven't been able to keep my eyes off of you and I just see something so... Fascinating in you." Motoyasu tried to get through his lies, but it was getting hard. He'd gladly be friends, but somewhere in this, it was all too far. Motoyasu placed a hand on Naofumi's cheek, caressing the soft skin. Too far. "I love you, Iwatani. I want to live the rest of my life with you."

Naofumi's cheeks seemed to light up and his body slightly froze. "Y-you love...Me?"

Motoyasu nodded, barely able to speak. Was Naofumi going to see through him like an open book or ignore the way his breathing slowly came out or how his hands slightly trembled?

Naofumi pulled himself closer to Motoyasu, wrapping a pair of arms around Motoyasu's shoulders. The blond awkwardly smiled, trying not to be caught red-handed. "I love you too! I always loved watching you happily draw and smile as your favourite classes come up! Or how you helped that one girl up after she fell. You're so kind-hearted and handsome!" Naofumi went on.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2022 ⏰

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