Following Your Ghost| 1

543 7 7

Word count- 7,624
Genre(s)- angst, fluff
Trigger Warning(s)- Slight homophobia, mentions of eating disorders, drinking, smoking, strong language, and mentions/jokes of adult activities. If you are uncomfortable with any of these, please do NOT read.

summary- After two years of barely talking after Motoyasu believes Naofumi has ditched him for a band, Malty invites him to a party. Naofumi agrees to go with Motoyasu. Malty and Naofumi have a rivalry for Motoyasu off the bat.


It was as if Motoyasu couldn't get Naofumi to notice him anymore. It was as if Naofumi moved right through him and never paid attention to him. Motoyasu felt like a ghost...

They'd been friends for so long, since kindergarten to be exact. Naofumi had made a habit of asking to go on bike rides together where Motoyasu trailed in the back and felt his heart skip as his hands explored Naofumi's waist. Or how Naofumi demanded they'd go to the beach and eventually he'd take off his shirt and show the true taste of what he had to offer.

Once high school rolled around and they matured, Naofumi took not a breath of hesitation in joining the band club and becoming their lead guitarist. Bike rides, beaches, and hangouts turned into a distanced friendship where Motoyasu followed him around like a lost puppy to only be ignored. Eventually, he felt like he was nothing. A drop of rain in an ocean. Occasional, 'hello's' and 'how was your day?' Was all Motoyasu could pull.

Motoyasu sat at a bench pulling out his lunch. He wasn't exactly in the mood to deal with his friends bullying random kids and going out behind the yard to sneak a smoke and beer. So, he sat alone... Waiting for the next class to roll by.

Motoyasu let out a small sigh. Naofumi used to sit next to him, the two of them sharing Motoyasu's food as Naofumi carelessly left his lunch on the counter. Motoyasu gladly allowed him, knowing that his little smirk hid that he just wanted Motoyasu's cooking. Not to mention being so close... Thighs touching and hands skimming over one another as they went to grab food. The good days or closeted homosexuality.

He let out a solemn chuckle. How could he ever be truly complete, really? As he brought some food towards his mouth he heard a familiar chuckle. Naofumi and his new band. Competing so young in the music industry- Motoyasu made sure to close his eyes and listen to it... Focusing on every guitar solo he'd heard from Naofumi himself up in the raven's room, sitting on his bed long before he joined a band.

Motoyasu partly wanted to pack up and leave, but he remained seated... His legs are already weakened from his nerves. He had no means to try and make it worse. Naofumi marched closer, boots crashing on the gravel and kicking small rocks as he passed. Like usual, he was gone like the wind without a word.

The small outdoor square between the halls of the school fell quiet once more. Motoyasu lowered his head in pity. He let out a sigh, he really didn't want to eat anymore... Crashed by reality. He closed up the container and shoved it in his bag rather violently. He leaned forward, running two hands through his hair and letting his thumbs rest on his temples. It was a habit he did when he was stressed- as if it were to create a world of peace... Even if he was still in the same damned reality that teased him.

Motoyasu felt a salty tear roll down his cheek and he quickly wiped it. He just wanted his childhood friend to wrap his arms around Motoyasu, his fingers gently pressing into his skin... His eyes closed with his head preserved between Motoyasu's neck and shoulder... Muttering words of love. It's all Motoyasu wanted. To place his thumb on Naofumi's pink, slightly chapped lips- staring lovingly into two eyes the colour of fully developed leaves.

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