"No. Like with your mind" max said. "Uhm" you looked around, "do this" Dustin said, he laid out his hand like he had powers and you made a face, "that's stupid". He sighed and rolled his eyes, "just do it. And like, set your intentions on squeezing the coke mentally. Don't do it physically...please just do it." Dustin asked softly. You looked at everyone else and they had a serious face, Steve told you to hurry up, so you followed. You laid your hand out and closed your eyes, focusing on squeezing the can. Your eyebrows furrowed as you heard a slight crunch noise.

Dustin and Lucas looked at each other, Eddie was amazed. The crunch noise got louder, before you opened your eyes. The bottle was, squeezed. "But how-" "you're a superhero" Dustin said, smiling hard. "But she's not stronger than El" Steve said, "no way" Lucas added. "She might, Vecna is..001. The original. And for him to weirdly..accidently pass his powers- or at least some? There's a possibility" Dustin said. You were just weirded out, before touching your nose again, "you could help us. Help us get to el and you both find and kill Vecna!" "That's putting her in danger, she literally just got her powers. She's weak" Steve argued, standing up and putting his hands on his hips. "What if we can like, train her?" Max asked.

"How could we possibly train her? We're not "superheros" remember?" Nancy said. Robin peeked her head in the door, confused. "Y/N HAS POWERS!" Dustin exclaimed like a fan girl. "Like..El powers?" Lucas and max nodded. "Maybe she can find el..and then like talk to her?" "Els talked to will before, but he was in the upside down" "but El said Mike could sense her?" Max and dustin replied to Lucas. "It's worth a shot" Nancy shrugged. "Maybe later, just let her rest. At least a little bit" Eddie stood, everyone nodded their head in agreement, "well let's get back to it then" Nancy stood and walked out the door, followed by Dustin, Steve, robin, Erica, Lucas, and max. Eddie stayed inside with you.

It was silent as he took your hand and pulled you to the couch. He held it silently before pulling you into his chest. "I-I'm sorry I left you here" he muttered. "I'm sorry I let you get took, I'm sorry for everything- I-"

"It's not your fault" you wrapped your arms around him. "It's not your fault at all, Eddie" he sniffled with tears in his eyes, he just wanted to hold you forever, he gripped onto you, not wanting to lose you, or ever be close to that situation again. "Relax" you told him, "sorry" he muttered, letting you go. You laid down and put your head in his lap, he just watched you closely, putting his hand on your shoulder and rubbing it soothingly. You chuckled to yourself, "what?" Asked Eddie. "I'm a superhero" you said, you couldn't believe it, honestly. He let out a small laugh "let's take a nap, we gotta use those powers when you wake up"

And so, that's what it was. Dustin woke you and Eddie up, "it's time" he muttered, you opened your eyes and looked around you, your vision was still pretty blurry but you could see everyone crowding around him. He handed you a towel, Eddie wiped his eyes and watched as you sat up straight. "I thought we needed a salt bath?" Lucas said, "no, she doesn't need one, but it would help" max said. Lucas took out a photo from his wallet. He folded it a certain way before handing it to you. "I need you- we need you, to find her" you took the photo, she was bald, she has a soft nose, and a slight grin. "Can you do it?" Steve asked, looking at you worried. "Yeah"

You took the towel from Dustin and wrapped it around your eyes, holding onto the picture tight. You kept the image in your head, looking around. You focused on your breathing, feeling the tingling again, you looked around the pitch black, your heart started quickly pulsing again, but you accepted it. Your body transported, you were in the dark, in the pitch black. You looked around. "Are you there?" You heard Dustin. "Yeah" you responded, but you heard an echo of yourself.

You walked further into the pitch black, still looking for the girl. And you did. "I think I found her" you said. You could hear everyone cheering from the background. But then your eyebrows furrowed once you were standing right in front of her. "She's looking right at me" "can you talk to her?" Max asked. You took her hand, "hi" you muttered, she didn't respond. You held onto her hand and focused on her some more before you were teleported somewhere else.

You heart started beating as you looked around. "I-I'm somewhere else?" "where?" Steve asked. "Not sure..." "who are you?" You heard from behind you. You turned, seeing the girl. She held out her hand and had a mean look on her face, "wait!" You yelled, holding your hands up. "I-I'm y/n. And I need your help" the girl put her hand down, she sat on the couch, watching as you slowly sat down next to her. "What do you need help with" " Max.... Vecna...or 001 has her. We need to kill him to save her and to prove my uh...boyfriends innocence, because Vecna killed someone in his trailer"

"Trailer?" She asked. "Yeah, trailer. Do you think you can help us?" You asked. She held out her hand, you were confused, "give me your hand" she said. You agreed, putting your hand on top of hers. She raised your sleeve and turned your hand to look at your wrist and compare it to hers. She has a tattoo of "011" on her wrist, while you didn't have one. Her eyebrows furrowed before she looked up at you, and raised your sleeve on the other arm. "Nothing...why don't you have anything?" She asked, feeling like you were a threat now. "Vecna almost got me...I think you can tell by my eye..but um yeah" you said. "He did say everyone he killed is with him..inside. Are you trapped inside?" She asked.

"No. I don't think I'm connected to him either. I can just go inside of his head, and raise things" you answered. "I can help. But we can't come to Hawkins. I cannot go" "why?" "Won't make it in time" she said. "I have to go. I'll figure out something and help and come back to you. I promise. Now go" eleven said, holding onto your hand with both of hers now. "I don't know how" you said, "tell them take it off"

"Dustin..take it off" Dustin took off the towel and your eyes instantly opened. You looked around and everyone waited on you for an answer. "Well? What did she say?" Max asked. "She said she will figure it out and help then come back to me.....she promised" "that's great" Dustin smiled, looking at the rest of the group "that's great!" He had a wide smile plastered on his face. Eddie wiped the blood off of your lip, wiping it on his pants. "So we ready for the plan?" Nancy asked, placing the shot gun on the table.

INNOCENT ♥︎ EDDIE MUNSONWhere stories live. Discover now