[Special] Embrace your Destiny Chapter 49

Start from the beginning

He laughed, Frowning at his Words, Donghai felt Disturbed and at the same time Familiar at the Words he just said. "She Sees that the God's doesn't have any Concerns about this problem! It's like a Curse!" Looking at the young girl, he Smirked and Chuckled at her.

But somehow...his Gaze holds the Loyalty of not just one but two.

Donghai is not getting this man at all. Which is he serving? Why is he not concerned about His mistress Leaving him? "The Lady Will Finish this. She will Rewrite Everything! With the Samadhi fire she could cleanse this world! Not just this Mortal land. But Even the celestial Realm and beyond that!" Snarling. An old Memory Flashed inside his mind

Looking up the Highest Ground. The Woman looked at the Chaotic scene with her Expressionless eyes.

She has seen this kind of things. It's repeated endlessly and she's not suprised anymore. She has Spared souls, man, woman and Demons. She believed they will change as long as she will guide them through the right path.

But is there something that she didn't do right? Why are they still Succumbing to those Things?

"I should have Done it the first place after all...."

Mumbling, her blue eyes glints dangerously down to the Chaos. With Mortals having their own war and Deaths.

Tha Ladybone demons Plan is Chaoticaly Destroy everything. That's it. She will Clean it like a Clean Slate, to start over again in order to Erase the negative power she sees.

It was a perfect plan for her, a great Clean Ambition she is Determined to achieve, but For Donghai.....it's not right.....at all its not right.

"You're only making this world even worst"

"You know nothing Child. My lady has seen it alot and she has lived through it. You think you could change her mind so easily?" Scoffing at her Donghai sighs and let the man be. It's no use Arguing with the beat up man, he's too Loyal.

"I don't know about this Mk. That Demon got Monkey king and Master! Like-were gonna be dead toast fighting two Powerful Beings!"

"Chill pigsy! That's why we gonna formulate a plan!"

"Ya know if ever we Goin downhill in this might as well die with dignity."


"What? I mean Uh. Monkey king and Master got Mei!"

Facepalming at them, Red son crossed his arms watching the crew bicker and Share their thoughts "Come on! Look we got Red son! We never had a red son before!" Grinning, Mk showed them the young demon. Rolling his eyes Pigsy and Tang Raised a brow not impressed "Oh yeah he's a Big hope for us" Pigsy Nods. And red son Fumed at the chefs sarcastic Remark.

"So What now?"

"First Course of plan!"

Jumping out behind them pigsy and Mk Flicnhed once Donghai Grabbed a long ass scroll and drew some stuff on it. "That Bone Mech must be something she'll use to Chanel the Power of the samadhi fire! So there must be something that's locking up Mei Inside or maybe outside!" Showing them her suck ass drawing The Crew Awed and Nods at her.

"So you're saying That Ladybone demon is using that robot in order to Chanel out the fire and burn everything?'


"Didn't think of that from the first place. But impressive Golden Girl"

Nodding, Red son Scoots close to them listening to The Golden Cicadas so called plan. Even Mk seems impressed by Donghai's fast Thinking. "Hey not to burst your Planning Thing but I might as well add this" Butting in their plan making. Mk and Pigsy Glared at the Shadow Demon who only Shrugged at them.

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