[Season 3] Chapter 40

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[Don't get too close to the sun little Icarus]

"Is it me or The direction we're going is like....are we going back to the east?"

It was a Peacefull ride. With the Monk Dozzing off on top of Sandy's Shoulders and Mk sitting beside Donghai. The two Also starting to suspect that well...

It's like The road they're Going looks familiar. The girl stopped Checking the map for the mean time since like. She hasn't heard pigsy and Tang bicker at each other. Or the Monkey king.

Wait Where is the Monkey king? Isn't he supposed to be Meditating here in the middle? Rubbing his eyes Tripitaka yawned and looked around. Frowning at the Negative Energy surrounding them. The silence is slowly killing them.

They have been silent the whole ride. And It's so Uncomfortable that it feels like there's a Cage Locking them up. "Uh. I'll go check on Piggy" Standing up Donghai dusted off her jacket, Grabbing her wrist Mk Shooked his head. "Uh- I think you should stay here Hai..." like really. The van suddenly felt so Creepy.

Assuring her best friend, Donghai Walked up the driver's seat. Pushing away the curtains She whistled a tune "Hey piggy were supposed to go on the west not the east-oh what the cringe ass nae nae" Stopping, She Flinched once she saw not a single soul of the two sitting in the driving seat. The wheel Moving on its own and the gas pedal was not touched too.

But the Van is moving perfectly.


"Uh guys They're not here"


Squishing beside her Mei and Mk Gasped once they saw an empty seat with the wheels moving on their own. Getting worried Mei Touched a few buttons, but the van didn't even budge but kept on moving to the east where danger is glaring at them.

"Uh. Sandy does the van drive on its own?"


"Well how about we stop it? Go on Hai step on the breaks"

Patting her, Donghai was about to get in the driver's seat. Not until the Van Turned dark and the lights Flickered purple. Screaming out of fear The three of them Sticked close to Sandy, and the Monk Hugging the three of them. The creepy winds and even the Shadows. Mei and Donghai Hugged each other. Their backs Shivering at the creepy laughs they would hear.

"No! Chill this is not scary at all!"

"Mei! The lights are purple! You know what that means! Horror movies sometimes use creepy lights!"


Hearing a loud Sound, Donghai Shrieked and Climbed on top of sandy. Joining her Mei Trembled while Mk on the other hand is Doing is best to be Cool and try not to piss because of how creepy the Van Turned out. "Don't worry guys! Master and I will watch over you!" Standing brave Sandy and Trip nods. Not until the giant heard a loud cry from his cat. Gasping Sandy Chased after Mo's Voice.


"Big guy! Don't!"


The lights Flickered, changing the vans Form Mk Gasped. Grabbing Mei's hand Donghai Screamed once the two got Seperated and got dragged down into the dark abbys. "No! Guys!" Mk Shrieked, Punching the wall where her friends got dragged, he Groaned and stood stiff once he saw a looming shadow of a Familiar monkey with a huge Grin.

"Oh wait kinda forgot! You don't have your powers!"

Laughing The floor Shooked, Pushing the young boy away the Shadow Demon Summoned out a Shadow Rope and Tied him down to the Driver seat.

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