"Me? What do you want to know?" I lean back on the deck slightly so that I could have some space.

"I've been wondering for a long time if you're single." He chuckles but I didn't find that funny.

"Who's asking?" I raise a brow and look behind him.

"Me" he chuckles again, straightening his posture.

"Right. Well if you must know I'm single, I can be a lot for one person." I shrug and take a strand of my hair to play with.

"Single, huh? That's a surprise, you're very pretty." He compliments and I look up into his blue eyes.

"Everyone thinks so" he adds and I find that hard to believe.

"They do?" I ask, trying to read him to see if he was joking or not.

"Totally. My friends always tell me how hot and smart you are." He leans in closer but I just know that last parts not true, anyone with a pair of eyes can see I'm not smart.

"Well let me tell ya, they're lying to you. I didn't know fries came from potato's until last year. And I still skip numbers when I count every once in a while." I'm embarrassed to say that all of this is true.

But hey, I can't have it all when I already got the beauty and the brains. Not the brains, I mean just the beauty. Gotta save some perfection for someone else. I gotta have some flaws.

"Then it's a good think you got a pretty face to make up for all that." His hand reaches putting a strand of hair behind my ear.

It's just not the same. Awkward.

"I guess.." I want to get outta here!

"You should come by my house later tonight, a couple of my friends are going. I'll be so much happier if you were there." He leans in a little lower to my height.

"I have plans after. With...people. So, sorry." I make up an excuse and he actually pouts.

Hell no.

"Aw, you can't cancel? Not even for me?" He tilts his head like my sisters would when they wanted something. But even that was cute, I dunno what this is.

"I don't think so..." This is getting weird.

He unexpectedly leans into me, kissing me way too rough that we actually bump heads. I grab his shoulders and pull him away with my noodle arm strength.

"Did that convince you?" He chuckles lightly.

"I lied. I do have a boyfriend. So stay away." I point a finger at him and I catch some people looking.

"Where is he?" He backs away and smirks.

"He, in fact. Lives in London. But he visits me every summer. So watch your back, British people are crazy! " I made that all up, even the part about British people being crazy.

I wouldn't know.

"Yeah, alright. Whatever, I was just trying to talk." He shakes his head at me as if I was the one who did something wrong and walks away.

What a lunatic.

Gosh, he's about to ruin parties for me.

I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand , multiple times. The dude can't even kiss right, 1/10 way too sloppy and harsh, not in the good way.

Because there is a good harsh kinda kiss, kinda like the one Heath....

Enough of this.

I look around for Lola and see her down in the yard with both of our bikes. Finally, time for some fun.

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