Music club

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The weird thing is that today, was the day I wanted  school to go by slowly. One, my mom still hasn't come back yet. But she is probably just at her favorite bar or some shit. And two I was going to the music club today. Technically I don't have to go, because my mom didn't sign the sheet. But then again, I could just sign it for her. I have done it in the past. And sadly, this means a lot to Dylan and Katie. Well mostly Katie, but I guess Dylan as well. Another reason I should fake her signature is, so I don't have to be home alone. And our house is actually fucking big. I mean not like a mansion, but still big. It gets way too quiet in the house home alone. So, I am slowly making my way to the music club. Katie and Dylan already texted that they are, so I can just head over to the music club.

Once I arrived there. Everyone was sitting in a circle. What the fuck is this? Are we going back to fucking kindergarten now? Ugh. Katie pats an empty spot next to her, so I make my way over. Luckily there aren't a lot of kids here.

"You actually came!!!" Katie squealed

"Well, no shit, I came."

"Did you actually get your mom to sign it this time?" Dylan forcefully takes the sheet from my hand.

"She hasn't come home yet, so no."

"You ass. Your gonna get caught one day, you know that right?" 

"If you tell then I might," I say before forcefully taking the sheet back.

"Ugh, what I'm I gonna do with a girl like you."

"Nothing." I fake smile, and look to the people at the front. Four in total. Three boys and one girl. The one girl has short hair and was wearing a dress. The three boys looked like triplets, same hairstyle and same clothes. Besides the height and eyes, they are mostly the same.

The tallest boy then spoke. "Hello and welcome everyone to the music club. I am happy to annocce that we have 5 students who signed up. Not a lot of students, but it will make it easier for all of you  to be able to pick your favorite instrument and you also get more time to play Speaking of instruments,  in todays first meeting  we will all introduce ourselves and think about what instrument you would like to play. I shall introduce myself first my name is Winston, and I am the oldest triple of these two. The second oldest triple is Nick." He pointed to the guy right beside him. " And Schmidt who is the youngest. And this here, is Jess our older sister." He said hugging the girls arm. 

"Hello." Jess says. "It is nice to meet all of you. And now that you know who we are, we would love to know who all of you are." 

A boy with blue hair stood up. "Hi, my name is Alexander." The boy said smiling before sitting down again. 

Katie then stood up. "Hello everyone, my name is Katie." Dylan then tugged on Katie's pant leg. "And this is Dylan and the emo-looking one beside him is  Catarina." 

'Wow." I quietly say. Dylan snickered.

The last one stood up. "Hello, my name is Marcus." The boy quietly whispered. Kinda cute to be completely honest with you. Never thought I would think something is cute. But hey I guess this club might be a new start for me. 

Yea right.

Jess then spoke. "Thank you everyone for introducing yourselves. Now I will like to make one thing clear. We will all treat each other like friends or family. Even if you just met them today. Okay, everyone?" We all said okay in sink, she then continued, "Now we will need someone who can or would like to play the piano, guitar, flute, trumpet and the drums. So all of you can discuss with each other what you would like to play. Now go have some fun."

Katie smelled wide and stood up so the four of us can see her. "Okay everyone, now we need to think of what we would like to play. Dylan can play the piano so he can do that. And if it's okay with everyone I would like to play the guitar." 

Alexander then stood up. "And I can play the trumpet."

"Okay, sweet. So now Marcus and Catarina needs to pick what they wanna play."

I sighed. "The flute sucks so I will play the drums. I can put my emotions more into it."

"See you are the emo of the group." Katie started laughing, and the others joined in. "Anyways Marcus will you be okay with playing the flute?"

"Hm, yea." Marcus hid his face as he spoke. Cute.

Nick then walked over to us. "So since y'all have picked what you want to play you can head home now. We don't really have anything left for you guys to do." Nick scratched the back of his neck.

"That's okay!" Katie smiled, "When's the next meeting though?"

"We were hoping to do it every day after school, and over the weekend if it's okay with all of you."

"It's fine with me."

"Me too."

"Me three."

"I guess me too." I sighed. We all looked over to Marcus.

"Yea, its also fine with me."

"Great see all of you guys tomorrow." Nick clapped his hands, and walked off leaving us five alone again. 

"Well looks like we are gonna be closer than ever." Katie stood up. "Nice to meet you Alexzander."

"You too." Alexzander and Katie shook hand. Then she made her way over to Marcus. They both said nice to meet you and shook hands. Boring stuff. I stood up and looked at Katie. Who gestured towards the group. I sighed. "Yea yes, it was nice to meet the two of you."

"Really nice to meet you too Catarina." Alexzander said giving me a hug. Ugh. I looked over at Marcus who just nodded his head. Still cute to be honest with you. All five of us grabbed our stuff and went home. Tomorrow's gonna be a long day. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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