"What? Arizona, what the hell is going on! What happened between you and Selene?" he dared to ask me. "WHAT HAPPENED BETWEEN YOU AND SELENE?!" I repeated his own question to him.

"This again?! What the fuck, Arizona. I'm not going to keep apologizing for this" he shouted at me. "Of course not, because you don't care. You use people and use their naivety against them. I hate you! I hate you!" I screamed twice.

His face twisted in anger and he charged forward and grabbed me to hold me to him. "Stop saying that!! You don't hate me, and I don't understand what's going on. Can you please calm down and explain to me why you are upset?" he huffed out. Perplexed.

    "I quit," I declared. "What?" he let go of me to take a better look at me.

"I quit, and I'm done with you. Don't call me, don't come by my house, don't ever think about me again. You understand me?" I started walking backward towards the elevators but he wouldn't let me leave. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! You aren't leaving here until you tell me why you're breaking up with me and throwing shit at me" he hollered at me.

"You told me it was nothing between you and her" I barely got out. "Her who? Selene?! Jesus Christ, there is nothing between us! It was a stupid hook up that I regret more and more every day!" he fisted at his hair.

"Liar! You said it was a mild hook up! You said you didn't fuck her!" I found my voice again.

His whole face changed and he looked shocked. "Did she tell you that I did?" he asked. It infuriated me. "You bastard" I shouted, whacking him in the arm, then chest, and gut when he blocked his head. He bent over and took in a ragged breath.

"Arizona, I'm about to seriously flip the fuck out. Whatever she told you isn't true! Can you sit the fuck down like an adult and talk to me?!"

"You took her virginity. Did you know she was a virgin? Probably not seeing as you knew her for all of ten minutes before sticking it in her! And she's 18 by the way, so good on you for sleeping with a barely legal teenager. You fucking scumbag" I spat at him.

His face went blank and he just stood there. "She's 18? Whatever she told you is a fucking lie. I didn't take her virginity. I promised you that you knew all that there was to know. I told you I only wanted you. I don't care about the girl" he huffed and scratched at his head. I believe that he didn't know how young she was just by how thrown he looked, but I didn't believe anything else.

"You told me plenty of shit and I know now how full of crap you are! She told me she was confused about the mixed signals you were giving her. So how long have you been talking behind my back?! Was that whole scene you made at the hospital some big fun game to laugh at me?!" My eyes started to water again at the thought of them laughing behind my back and messing around.

"Arizona, listen to me. The girl is clearly deranged if she told you I was sending her mixed signals. I haven't talked to her since I kicked her out of your hospital room. And before that I hadn't talked to her since that god forsaken night. I'm not sending her mixed signals." He tried stepping forward again, but we were already close to the elevator and I thought about just hopping on it. He read my mind because he blocked the path.

"You have to believe me, this girl is making this up" he blocked me and tried to reason with me. "Oh? Is she? I should trust the liar over the girl who told me everything in the first place? Fuck off Porter. I'm done" I went to push him out of my way, but he wouldn't let me go.

"Arizona, stop. Just stop for a minute. I'm not fucking lying to you! Tell me what she said. Tell me everything and I will go hunt her down on the street and show you she is fucking lying" he challenged me.

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