96 (Arizona)

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I'd been almost sick to my stomach for a good majority of the day leading up to meeting with Selene. I wasn't sure how poorly it would go, but I knew she would at least be upset in the beginning. I thought I could talk her down, but she'd shaken my nerves even worse when she asked me the question about the man she gave her virginity to.

All I could see was Porter's face and it rocked me to my core.

The angry by nature man who she recently lost her virginity to. Someone who it was 'complicated' to be with. He's toyed with her and he's toyed with me. The poor girl is waiting to understand how he feels about her. How stupid am I?

Her question messed me all up and I ended up just blubbering out that she was my sister and she didn't handle it well. I tried smoothing things over, but I didn't get the chance. She ran away and I was left there crying like an idiot once more.

I'll give her time to digest this information. I felt so bad when she had a breakdown and told me she couldn't handle anything else. I knew that was true, but the case forced me into telling her sooner or she'd find out the wrong way and things would be worse between us.

I'd been waiting for this moment for so long and it didn't feel how I thought it would once she knew who I was. Once I was able to call her my sister out loud.

But she rejected that...or is it only my dad she rejects? The whole walk over to Porter's apartment I was lost in a daze, but I knew I had to wait for Selene to calm down before speaking with her again. My next concern was confronting Porter.

He knew I would be coming over after I talked to my sister. He purposely told me to come to him so he could be there for me whether things went good or bad. Now I wonder if he was just worried Selene would tell me something he didn't want me knowing. I thought I finally got him to admit he liked me. We started dating and everything.

Why? It was killing me on my way up the elevator. Why would he do this to me? Is he so cruel?

Of course, when the elevator pinged it alerted him to my presence so he came right over. He was already out of his business clothes and in his regular casual wear. I hated how beautiful he was even in a white tee and jeans.

When he saw my crying face he wasn't surprised. He probably assumed things wouldn't go well, but when he came to embrace me he was surprised when my reaction was to push him. His brows furrowed and he took a step towards me again. I stepped and pointed a finger at him warning him,

"Get away from me." He looked confused and maybe he was. Maybe he didn't think I would know. "You're a vile human being. You know that?" I practically laughed. I was so perplexed on how I ended up here that I had to laugh. "Arizona? What's going on?" He went to step toward me again. "NO! I said don't come near me" I shouted. That got his full attention.

"What the fuck is going on?" He got angry.

I don't often get angry, but this was just too much for me. I went into a blind rage and started throwing his own gym shoes at him, which were in the foyer beside the elevator. He ended up dodging them and he kept yelling at me that he didn't understand what was going on. "You're a liar!! I knew it and yet I still said yes to dating you! I'm an idiot" I yelled at him.

"I thought we were past all this?!"

I glared at him and took a pillow from his sofa to throw at him next. He kept dodging and moving further into the apartment. "Past it?! You bastard! You manipulated my feelings for you! Why would I think someone like you would actually want anything serious with me?!" I wiped at my face that was soaked with tears.

"Baby, you're kinda freaking me out right now. What the hell happened?" he asked me with the most serious expression. "I hate you" was all I managed to get out.

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