8 (Arizona)

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         I was proud of my first week of working for Matthew Porter of Moore Management. I had completed the tasks asked of me, and shadowed Amber in meetings to learn what was relevant to take notes on. I did run to get his lunch every day, but at least he was there to eat it this time. My weekend was boring and I actually found myself looking forward to work on Monday. 

I wanted to impress Porter, and I felt I was still in the minor leagues right now.

       Since I'd been bored I baked brownies for the office and carried them in on Monday morning. Through my train route and all. "Good morning everyone" I smiled, it mostly gained everyone's attention. "I have homemade brownies I'm leaving in the kitchenette, and they're meant for anyone" I offered. I saw a few bright faces and the older gentleman I know as Joe was already up on his feet. 

"Oh, aren't you a sweetheart? I'm a sucker for brownies" he followed me to the kitchen before grabbing the first piece. It's 9am, but hey let him enjoy it. The dog lady thanked me with a smile and a few more mumbled gestures were given.

        I waved and walked over to my desk, but stopped in my tracks when I realized my boss was leaning on my desk already watching me. The man is broad shouldered with a tapered waist, and even under all that suit fabric his muscles were obvious and extremely attractive. 

As was his handsome masculine face with his sharp eyes and set jaw. Everything about him reeked of authority including his posture right now.

"Uh, I made brownies" I thumbed behind me. "I heard" was all he said. He didn't seem moved. "Hey, Morning Arizona" the mail guy smiled, but quickly dropped his look when he realized who was standing behind me. "Hi Jeff" I waved back anyway. "How the hell could you possibly know everyone by name already. Even the mail guy knows you?" Porter looked perplexed. 

"Oh yeah, I went around introducing myself on day one. I was helping Joe with his printer last week and we got to talking about his grandkids, and Melinda's pets when I restocked her pens" I rambled on as I usually do.

        "Why are you restocking pens for employees of the same level as you? You should be here, doing what I tell you to" he pointed at the desk his firm ass was still sitting on. 

"I did everything you needed. That was just in passing. Plus, that guy in the corner office had surgery on his foot not too long ago. He isn't supposed to put any excess weight on his foot just yet, so I went and got a package for him while you were in one of your closed door meetings " I waved him off. 

I couldn't tell if Matt Porter was dumbfounded or extremely annoyed.

"What else did I expect after hiring you from an interview like that" he slapped his arms at his sides and stood up to his full height. He's much taller than me. "What can I do for you sir?" I got back on track. He rolled his eyes and fixed his suit coat before responding. 

"Listen, today's an important client's birthday. I need you to go to our client binder and see what type of flowers we usually send her. You'll send something over today. The flower shop we use will already be on file. As is the note we usually attach it with" he explained. 

I nodded along but then thought of something.

        "Wait...the same note every year? Doesn't that feel a bit impersonal. I could think up-" he cut me off right there. "You aren't writing anything. God knows what you'd come up with. This is a professional relationship not a love letter. You'll send exactly what's written in the binder" he pointed a warning finger at me. 

His hands are large, well kept, and look capable. Very capable.

"Yes sir" I sighed. Something about those words made Mr.Porter's eyes darken slightly as they lingered on my face. He had remained quiet.

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