Party time !! pt.2

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Nate pov: after Axel asked me if I was going aswell, it made me feel fluttered that he cares about my feelings so I hugged him and said " yeah ofc .. I'm glad you asked me " after I done that he hugged me back ..and said " ofc step-bro.. " when he said that I heart was racing I couldn't be this into my own brother I was thinking ..

Axel pov: I could hear nate heart racing .. it made abit happy but I have no idea why I was worried I guess bc his friends was just looking at us as if me and him was a couple and was about to kiss so I backed up and said .. "so your gonna take me?" Before nate could answer me one of his friends raised his hand and said " I'll take you!" When he said that nate turned around and did the middle finger at his friend and went in the house without a word..

Pov 3 : a couple hours past nate is in his outfit so is Axel .. nate was still made about his friend taking Axel instead of him but .. to think about it nate female friend offend to take him somewhere first before the party so he no choice but to let his brother go with his friends

Nate pov: I'm so pissed off .. I rather kill myself then let my brother go with these perverted ass people.. but they are friends .. and I'm their friends so that make my brother their friends too.. I wanna die..

Axel: I'm in joy  that I'm going to a party but I'm not that I gotta wait on my brother to get there because of his female friend  .. I can say I'm jealous for some reason cause I know my brother.. he wouldn't betray me .. or do anything to hurt me so .. he won't do anything with her.. or will he?

Pov 3: nate friends gets to his parents house to get his brother and nates female friend comes to get him and they go their separate ways as axel is in the car with nate friends he gets their names , one name is Mike  the other one is Tate and the last one is Chris as axel get their names he think Chris is very cute for a male .

Axel pov: that's nice names you guys have I tell them basically tryna refer to Chris since he's so cute ..

Okay 421 words out the way phew next part gon b so long ..

Step-brother Smut <3 BLWhere stories live. Discover now