Party time !! <3

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This is a new story part same people same stero and same storyline has happen this is a new day for them also ____ stands for make up your own name or add your owns if you want <3 letss start!! >>>

POV 3 : Nate was outside with one of his friends chatting and fooling around  with them and one of them say " did you guys  know that _______ having a party tonight? " Nate shakes his head no as the other do as well , nate asks " are we invited?" His friend says " Ofc ____ is your friend man they love you and your brother mostly your brother he's like so young and cute" Nate looks at him wanting to strangle his friend but he just smiles and agrees so does everyone else -

Axel pov: I was sitting on the couch on my phone when I heard my brother call my name from outside so I get up and go out there to see all his friends ..  I just wave at them and asks my brother what did he need, he says " well ____ having a party are you coming?" As I look at everyone they look at me nodding their head as if they wanted me to come so I said " Yes ofc! Only if your coming Nate , are you? !  " I say to make Nate feel better knowing that he's sensitive and madly inlove with me so he would get jealous easily .

I know this is short but chapter 4 will b longer so yeah ! Luv yaa 258 words

Step-brother Smut &lt;3 BLWhere stories live. Discover now