Yah neh life?

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"What was the motive?" I ask. "He betrayed me by leaking some of our information to our enemy who i still don't know yet. Do you think the prosecution would come up with a motive?" asks Manqoba. "I'm not sure but by the looks of it if they do come up with the motive it would be theory cause you weren't that close with the victim."

"What was your relationship like with the victim?" asks Kuhle. "Shouldn't we be asking those questions when its time for me to take the stand." said Manqoba. "You have medical experience not law." I say. "I'm sorry. It was a work relationship and we kept things professional." Kuhle nods.

"The eyewitness that witnessed the murder was a passerby and I'm sure they will bring in a family member to describe your relationship." says Kuhle. "I treated him like my younger brother but made sure that things were professional between us. He had a lot of potential hence I kept him under my wing." says Manqoba.

"You must make sure you honest with us through out the entire trial cause we need to be 2 steps ahead of the prosecution. Please don't bribe anybody to get rid of the docket." I say. "Sure I won't." says Manqoba. "We serious." says Kuhlekonke.  "I'm also serious."

"We are going to get the evidence and questions that is sent from the prosecutor and we will send him our set of questions." I say. "Okay." "Do you have any witness that can help back you up with your 'alibi' if you have one?" asks Kuhlekonke. "I can talk to some people I know that will vouch for me." says Manqoba. "We also going to need some of your family members to take the stand." I say. "Why?"

"Because we need to paint a beautiful picture of the defendant and make it seem he is not a cold and ruthless killer." answers Kuhlekonke. "Okay." says Manqoba. "Make sure you don't share any information about this case to anyone cause we wouldn't want to jeopardize the case and lose the chances of winning because of your loose mouth." I say and they chuckle. "Can I at least tell my family." "Only your immediate family members." He nods.

"That's all for today's meeting. We will call you and tell you when we can meet up to talk more about the case and tell us what happened that day." says Kuhlekonke. "Okay thank you." says Manqoba. He stands up and shakes hands with Kuhle. He takes my hand and kisses it and leaves. I'm used to this side of him so I'm not offended or taken aback by the action.

"Ksazo shuba." says Kuhle. (It's going to be hectic.) "I know but I'm ready for the drama." I say. "I think he likes you." "Who?" "Manqoba." "And why do you say that?" "He kissed your hand." "There is table etiquette and there is gentleman etiquette. And I've known him for a while and he does this so I'm not surprised." "As long as he doesn't make you uncomfortable in anyway." I nod. "If you say so." "Let me get going I have a lot of work." "You will tell me if it gets too much." "Yes sir." He chuckles. I stand up and leave.

I get inside my office and i get a call from Mihlali. I forgot to call her during the weekend to gossip so I'm guessing she couldn't keep it any longer cause she is dying. She is a good secret keeper but if the secrets to good just know it's not safe.

"My baby." I greet. "Baby is that thing you going to make one day." she says and i gasp. "Yah let's keep on dreaming." We laugh. "How are you?" "Ngiyaphila wena." (I'm good and you.) "I'm not okay?" "Why?" "You didn't call me back." "I'm sorry its just that after retail therapy I spent the whole weekend partying and i did my hair. I was kind of like celebrating an end of an era." "The attorney era." "Yes and i was welcoming the boss era." She laughs.

"Now that you available that means I must start talking." she says. "Of course I'm all ears." I say and take out my lunch box and start eating. "I saw Khumo the other day at the mall with a pregnant woman." "His making babies I see." "Yeah. When he saw me he approached me and asked if i was okay and i was like yeah. He then started asking if you were okay and i told him you are not dead." "Continue."

"He kept on asking me questions about you and i just gave him short answers. I didn't wanna make it seem like I'm gossiping about you when I'm not. Anyways I tried to shift the conversation to him and asked who is the lady. He told me that's his fiance and they expecting a baby. I congratulated them and he said you should call him when you get the time. He gave me his number." says Mihlali. "Wow." "I know right."

"Funny how i saw him a month back and he was asking for forgiveness and wanted us to get back together and all that kak but i told him no." I say. "And you decided to keep your meet up a secret." she says. "Askies mgeh." (Sorry my friend.) "Forgiven. What are his intentions?" "I don't care about his intentions. I am meeting real men out here so I don't care if his getting married. In fact I am happy he is cause that's what he always wanted." "Meeting real men."

"Yeah. Not that i have decided settling down I am still enjoying bachelorette life. Men are suffocating and next thing he traps me with unnecessary expenses. Not that i don't want kids its just that I'm not ready for them. I'm too immature and i can barely take of myself." I say. "Such a long and powerful speech." she says and I laugh. "Mxm suka. Anyways whats happening in your life."

"Guess what." she says. "I am not writing a pop quiz." I say. "Ayanda asked me out on a date." "Ayanda who?" "Ayanda Mngomezulu." I choke on my food and i drink a bit of water to calm down. "When did this happen?" "Yesterday. He confessed his feelings and i told him I felt the same way so we decided to go on a date." "You are dick whipped my friend." "Nope it's called 'catching feelings' in case you haven't noticed."

"I guess I shall be expecting a niece or nephew anytime from now." I say. "Nope we not even sure how things will go. You not happy for me?" she asks. "It's not like that. I am genuinely happy for you. You deserve the love coming your way after all the drama you get from your cases and past. I just didn't expect you to date my brother. But I'm okay with it as long as you guys make each other happy then I'll be happy." "Ncoo mgeh thanks. It means a lot to me."

"Don't hurt my brother. That boy can't handle heartbreak." I say and she chuckles. "He cries?" she asks. "Yeah." We laugh. "Let me get going duty calls." "Bye Ayanda's novia." "Don't call me that it's not even official yet." "Okay sister in law." "Voestek." We laugh. "Love you." "Love you." I drop the phone.

That was unexpected. I kind of saw this coming but i tried convincing myself that its just them enjoying each others private parts. After eating my food i continue with my work but my mind is still confused about this Khumo thing. One minute his asking for love backs and the next his engaged. I'm sure he wanted to come and cause havoc in my life cause things are going good for me that's the only reason why he probably wanted to talk.

Yah neh life...

Assassin Love ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang